Sunday, December 28

Dedication To Our Nation

Safe & Sound - Taylor Swift ft The Civil Wars

Our country has been hit with several devastating incidents this year. With three aviation related crisis that took many lives, not to mention those left behind to deal with the grief. And with the flooding that is currently affecting thousands of lives.

It's a lot to stomach for us as a country and while I often joke about my country and sometimes even ridicule about this land with others, all the above really has nothing to do with the administration of the country. They were natural disasters, and accidents that no one would've hoped for. Sure, things could've been or can be, handled more effectively, the bottom line though is, it is not the fault of Malaysia that planes go missing, or gets shot down, and that people are robbed of their homes because of the torrential downpour. Or is it?

And where do we stand as a citizen in the midst of this all? I know I am sitting comfortably in my room, typing this out word for word on my laptop while drinking an iced cold Sprite. So I write about things, and I express how I feel, and list expected behaviours, but am I doing anything about it myself? No. So I too, am guilty as charged.

Will I do anything about it then? I don't know. Truth be told. What can we do? To help out with the flood relief efforts, you can check out these alternatives. As for the rest, our prayer goes out to them.

Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound

2014 Resolutions - Summary

On a completely random note, perhaps it is my cue to start drinking my coffee black, because twice now in a row, the fresh milk I bought had gone bad in under 5 days. 

That aside. Here's the summary to my previously updated 2014 resolution, currently working on my 2015 list.

1. Shopping ban. I am putting a ban on buying new clothing for the entire 2014 - no new shoes, new tops, new jeans, no new earrings / rings / necklaces etc, unless the situation deem it completely necessary. Gifts for others are a different story.

So from my previous update, I ended up shopping a fair bit in Taiwan and when I was in Korea. To be fair, my purchases in Korea was to again save my ass from being frozen. No excuses for my Taiwan purchases though. My top brand award this year, without a doubt, goes to Uniqlo. If only they'd sponsor my wardrobe..

2. To travel to 2 new places that I've not been to before. Calling all travel buddies!

Checked! Philippines in March for sailing, Japan in April for holiday, Koh Samui in May for sailing.. And building on that list, I also traveled to Singapore, Bali, Taiwan (which was a first) and Korea + Busan.

3. To be vegetarian and/or pescetarian the first week (7 days) of each month. This is mainly to lead a healthier lifestyle. This means I'll be meat-free for my birthday this year too, party planners please take note!

I was doing pretty well on this until I left my job and started traveling. I believe I stopped following this 'rule' from September onwards.

4. Read more. And Dramabeans don't count.

I've finished in total about 9 books this year! David and Goliath, The Social Animal, Three Cups of Tea, Blink, Tipping Point, Outliers, Where We Belong, Picture Perfect and Looking for Alaska..

5. Be more watchful of my expenses. To jot down as best as I can all my expenditure daily.

I didn't even do this for a day. But I feel I am a pretty responsible spender, I don't spend more than I can afford. And that also means that I don't spend every last cent of my earnings. Though the year-end travelling (without an income) did set me back quite substantially.

6. Work towards a promotion at work, or in other words, be open to any career advancement opportunities, and be proactive while at it.

So I've left my previous employment and I will be starting a new role in the coming year of which I am partly excited and partly anxious. We'll see!

7. To spend at least half an hour each day to do quiet time. If due to unforeseen circumstance I happen to skip a day, it shall be replaced within the same week.

I resorted to getting myself a daily bible and I try my best to read the allotted daily portion before I sleep each day. However, there are days where I end up wasting my entire waking hours doing inconsequential stuff and come night time, I give myself the excuse that I'm too tired to read. Not proud of myself at all.

8. To get a full medical check up.


9. To learn a new language, or a new skill. And in general to be open to new adventures and ideas.

So I tried surfing in Bali which was a first. I also finally did my basic rock climbing course at Camp5 which means I can basically go there on my own now. I also traveled solo for the first time this year. I also spontaneously sailed with a group of people which turned out to be pretty valuable experience altogether.

10. To be kind, patient, forgiving and thankful. Always!

If I had to pick one thing to reflect upon in 2014, it would be the fact that I am completely capable (depending on whether I want to or not) of playing the kind, patient and forgiving self when it comes to strangers and friends but not so when it comes to family. I suppose the problem lies with me, after all, if I am capable of being nice to a perfect stranger, why can't I be nicer to family? But I suspect that this has a lot to do with how things are at home too, and family can be the most difficult people to deal with sometimes because they are family. I don't know what I can do to better myself at being a better daughter to my parents, a better sister to my siblings, a better granddaughter to my grandparents, and a better niece so on and so forth, but I suppose that's what people mean by, life is a learning process. You just keep trying your damnedest.

Signing out on my 2014 resolutions in advance! 

Saturday, December 27

The Space Between

The Space Between(틈) - SoYou(소유), Kwon Soonil(권순일), 
Park Yongin(박용인)(Urban Zakapa) 

So cute!

有时候 把自己 看得高高在上 就是本小姐 最大的缺点。。

I know I should be putting more effort into keeping the blog updated seeing that there's nothing much on my plate (figuratively speaking) until next year, but let's just say that, I've got more urgent matters that requires my attention. Hehehe.

The weather is cold. Which I suppose if not for half of our nation being affected by the flooding, I would say that the drop in temperature is a welcomed one. So while us in KL may not be affected, let us think of the many others who are currently in need of aid.

Sometimes, it is so easy to feel blissful and contented with our tiny little lives that we ignore the big picture. Let us not get to used to that kinda of living.

Have you given some thoughts to what you want to achieve for the coming year? And also, have you given yourself some time to reflect on what you've achieved the past year? If no, now's probably a good time to do so. 

Much love! xx

Friday, December 19

Some UNIQueLOve

I want to buy everything from Uniqlo -!

One of the things that I am still hung up on my recent trip to Korea is the cold weather clothing, on top of the entire trip itself.

Sure, I like my jeans short and spag tops, but putting on all that layers has a certain allure to it too. Albeit you walking out of the house looking the same everyday because you'd always have your outer coat on. Ha!

I've previously posted about how I'm a huge fan of the brand, I'm now a firm Uniqlo believer. We bought a tonne of heat tech stuff from Uniqlo while we were in Seoul and they served us well. I personally got more extra warm heat tech - socks, beanie, leggings and an inner top. So comfy! And my fleece (which I also wore during my sailing stint at the Raja Muda) was also ultra comfy. I liked the whole turtleneck business.

I am still owing my posts on Taiwan - which I think I am probably not ever going to get down to writing. Total fail as a travel blogger wannabe.

Also, yours truly now has short hair..

Looks good eh? ;)

Tuesday, December 16

Notes From Yesterday

Power lunches. Americano.

I am struggling with the very verse I posted on Sunday. Then I am reminded, nobody said it was easy. Nobody said it was easy. And so it isn't.

How do you calculate your worth?

My love for cake.

I realized I am terribly good at spending money I don't have.

Notes from yesterday.

Sunday, December 14

Song for Someone

Today's worship session at church was specially uplifting. Or maybe it's just me having been away for too long..

Psalm 121
A song of ascents.

1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
    he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
    will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The Lord watches over you—
    the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord will keep you from all harm—
    he will watch over your life;
8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going
    both now and forevermore.

Two particular statements that stuck with me from today's sermon was that the truth hurts, and that you reap what you sow. Timely reminders, and apt for me at this point in time.

I'm in the midst of compiling a playlist for a mini gathering, and I'm pretty pleased with the selection I have so far. This song is one of em'.

Song for Someone - U2

I hope Sunday will be good to you too. xx

Saturday, December 13

Baby Don't Lie

Baby Don't Lie - Gwen Stefani

Too many new good workout songs! No reason to not work them muscles a little.

Yeeehaaa! =)

Seoul Withdrawals

날 위한 이별 - 디아 (DIA)

Hello Saturday! It's already been almost a week.

The goal today would be to be productive, and go to bed tired!

Wednesday, December 10

I Am On The Outside

Outside - Calvin Harris feat Ellie Goulding

Woots! New workout song!

Now, if only I can get my lazy ass to do some skipping tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 9

10 Things About Sailors

Disclaimer: Obviously, these are my own opinions and are in no way representative of the entire sailing population. And obviously these are based on my own observation, so it's representative of the people I have sailed with.

1. Sailors are dirty people (while we're out at sea).

Dirty in the hygiene sense, or at least that's the case I am making here. We can wear the same pair of socks, same shirt and same shorts for days on end, with a brief rinse in between each wear. We sleep on the same spots where we've just stomped all over while racing. When lunch in served in between races, we don't look for hand soap, we just eat.

2. Sailors are mostly trusting, and I would even say naive to some extend.

When you hop onto a boat, you are trusting your equipment, your crew members and of course, trusting God to keep you safe. Anything can go wrong in fact. But for the most of it, we just go ahead anyway, trusting and believing that we'll find a way.

3. Sailors drink.

Some more than others. That's why the term drunken sailors is so common. I fall into the "drink very little" category. And to be honest, I am not a fan of those who drink and get drunk and talk incoherently and get all wild, which explains why I sometimes am a party pooper. I am a happy drunk myself though, so on all counts, I am for moderate drinking.

4. Sailors are capable of thinking outside the box.

We once used a pair of screwdriver to slice our quiche because there was no other (better) alternatives onboard (also point number 1). Though this is not the best example to illustrate point 4. Well, if something was to happen out at sea, you have got to do what you have got to do, and quick. This is not my strong suit, but sailing has definitely helped me to become better at it.

5. Sailors make good friends, at least those you can actually get along with.

I've always said that if you sail with a bunch of people and at the end of the day you still want to sit next to them at dinner, they're friends for keeps, or in other words, family.

6. Not all sailors you encounter are going to be your friend.

While point number five says that sailors make good friends, not all of them are going to be your cup of tea. There will be personalities that you can't and won't get along with - sailors will lasts long enough to complete a race, that much respect they'll show to one another. However, at the end of the day if you're not in my buddy list, then you're not. I've had to learn this the hard way, primarily due to the fact that I need want to liked, but if I don't like you, I cannot expect you to like me too. Simply put.

7. Sailors don't care so much for hierarchy.

I've sailed with many people who are much older than I am, much more successful, much more financially stable, much higher power, and with reputable careers - and yet, on the boat we're all equals. Yeah sure, they'll get the tiny one to run water errands and pick food for the crew, but there's no such thing as "I am the CEO of xyz so you go get water for me."

And being a girl doesn't mean you'll be relegated to kitchen duty (or whatever else), but as always, respect is earned, not warranted, so earn that respect, then talk.

8. Sailors are strong and independent individuals.

This statement is pretty self explanatory I guess. Goes without saying.

9. Sailors are resilient.

Perhaps out of desperation sometimes, but when you have to survive, you'll adapt. That's my motto. And thus, come what may, trust us to find a way.

10. (Most) Sailors are great people. Really.

Monday, December 8

Saturday, November 29

What I Want For Christmas

As most of you would know, I am currently enjoying some time away from work, which also really just means that I have zero income and also, for you to know, I've used a substantial amount of my savings to fund most of my travels. And thus, with Christmas around the corner, I figured I might as well list down some of the things that I really want but "cannot" afford to buy for myself at this moment in time.

In no particular order. =)

1. Tilley Reed Diffuser from The Skin Lab

Image 1
Pink Lychee @ RM89.00

I bought, rather it's a I-pay-first-present from Mandy, the Magnolia & Green Tea scent for my shoe cupboard and it smells heavenly! So I wanna put this Pink Lychee one in my room. 

2. Sailing Gear

I would be wearing extra small by their height definition in their size chart. Now this one is tricky because I don't actually expect anyone to get it for me. Plus, I really don't know what size would fit. But it's something I would like to get anyway.

3. Multitool

Badass. At least that is my definition of badass. A girl who owns and knows how to work a multi tool. I actually used to own one, it's a-hand-me-down set from my dad, and I carry it when I go for sailing events, but, it got confiscated at customs because I had left it in my hand carry when I was traveling back from Langkawi recently. Damn silly. =(

I was thinking that my list would be longer, but I've tried thinking of stuff to add to it the past 3 days and nothing came up!

So yeah. If you're planning on getting me any of the above, drop me a comment so that I can update the list so that I won't end up with duplicates okay?

Thank you very much in advance! xx

Friday, November 28

It Matters

The end goal does. It determines the path you're headed towards.

Timely reminder.

Wednesday, November 26

Saturday Night

Saturday Night - Bay

It's not Saturday, nor is it night, but who really cares! x

Tuesday, November 25

So I Ask

Why is the world against me?

But maybe.

Why am I against the world?

Monday, November 24


Night Changes - One Direction

Having no regrets is all that she really wants.

You got that one right, One Direction. 

5 Things You Don't Know About Me

  1. I love the smell of fresh laundry from the dobi.
  2. I love getting my nails done, though I wish it were a cheaper luxury. An oxymoron I know.
  3. I am a sucker for all things pretty.
  4. I always suspected that people looked at me because I was pretty, but now I am pretty sure that they look at me because I am a half burnt charcoal. Not that it's a bad thing.
  5. I don't like home all that much.

Some Things Money Can't Buy

Heroes - Alesso feat Tove Lo

We could be. x

Sunday, November 23

Friday, November 14

Exciting Days Ahead

I learnt the meaning of literally being "picked up" yesterday! But in fear of jinxing myself, I shall not share the exact details (yet). And if indeed it all works out well, I'll be back on the 23rd of Nov. Taiwan postings will have to wait.

I'm saying bye to the shores and am heading for the seas!

P/s: Appreciate your prayers for safety. =)

Wednesday, November 12

Taiwan Travel Log | Day 1 (30th Oct)

Finally getting started on this! I hope you'll enjoy the journey with me as I look back on my most recent trip to Taipei, Taiwan. This is a particularly significant trip as I finally made the leap of faith, to go places alone. And just to illustrate how much I enjoyed it, I have made a decision to travel alone once each year, destination and duration will not matter. =)

And so, here we go!

For starters, this was very much an impulse trip in which, my total planning for it came up to about 1.5 weeks, and that count started after I bought my tickets and accommodation to Taipei via AirAsiaGo.

The reasons why I like AirAsiaGo is because it's fuss-free and one doesn't have to go through another round of decision making when searching for places to stay, and making booking mistakes like booking for one less night - trust me, this has happened before. Also, I personally think that AirAsiaGo packages are pretty decently priced, though you'll tend to get not-so-favourable flight times. But that I can do with. The other caveat is that when booking flights through AirAsiaGo, you get no other amenities, so, no baggage allowance, no meals etc. And that's where the "hidden costs" are. I don't recall ever paying so much for 20kg's baggage allowance (RM79 one way if I had not mistaken!) So, be prepared for that too.

I started my trip on what I would consider a really good note, in that my KLIA express train ticket from KL Sentral to KLIA2 was discounted. Apparently, it was a promotion made known to the public via local newspapers but as you might not know, yours truly does not look into the papers. In any case, there was this nice uncle dressed in uniform who was at the ticketing counter and he was telling passengers about buying tickets via the newly installed credit card kiosk and with any Visa card, you'd get to purchase your ticket with a discount. And who doesn't love discounts?

I certainly do. Too bad the promo was only for the month of October, if I am not wrong.

So I got to KLIA2, and the Dad was waiting for me to have lunch together before I flew. It is noteworthy that I was not the only one excited about my solo trip. Both my old folks were either really excited for me as well, or they were just worried about their demure and innocent daughter going overseas all alone. Ha!

I had this fantastic fusion pizza at one of the restaurants near the main entrance to the departure hall and Dad had his usual aglio e olio, and both dishes were really yummy, so much so I ate a wee bit too much and didn't end up touching my nasi lemak at all which I had pre-booked for my flight, since I would only be arriving Taoyuan at 10ish-pm, I figured I'd be needing dinner because if I had to look for my hostel in the dead of the night on an empty stomach, that would not have been pleasant. So yes.

Immigration was a breeze and I boarded my flight, said a quick little prayer and I was sound asleep before takeoff - my usual modus operandi. I woke up 2 hours into the flight to a headache, and seeing that I had another 1+ hours into the flight, I decided to pop some panadols to make the pain go away and resumed sleeping.. And then it was touchdown and I was super eager to get my very pink luggage from the carousel and get to my hostel for the night so much so I barely paid attention to the airport except for the fact that it had free wifi. Don't say that's not the first thing you do when you touchdown at any foreign airport because that's a lie!

And I'm really quite apologetic that this is turning out to be much wordier than I had expected, it's partially because I had packed my camera into my luggage because I figured that there wouldn't be anything exciting for me to take photos of at this point anyway. So Day 1 really does not have any photos to show..

Collected my baggage, texted my parents to say that "I couldn't have missed my baggage from a mile away" and said that I'll text them again when I get to my hostel. Looked for the signboard which would ultimately lead me to the bus that everyone takes into Taipei from Taoyuan - the Kuo-Kuang 1819 bus which costs 125NTD.

They actually tag your luggage as you board the bus from the airport so when you alight, they can ensure that you are not taking someone else's luggage with you. I found that very thoughtful, though a little time and effort consuming on the driver's side.

My stop was the final stop at Taipei Main Station and knowing that I was going to be alone with no one to depend on, I was prepared. I had the map to my hostel in my backpack along with detailed directions. The hunt for Homey Hostel was on! Super glad that I decided to pack light to go so it was not a problem lugging my baggage up and down the pedestrian bridge to get to my hostel, coming back is a different story, you'll just have to wait till Day 7 to get to that part.

Was I scared being all alone, at midnight, in an unfamiliar town, trying to navigate my way via a map? You bet I was, noting that I'm not fond of maps and directions to begin with. And I'm not afraid to admit it. I was a little afraid that I'd not find my hostel, what happens then? As I walked back and forth a couple of times, checking my map in hand to ensure that I was in the right direction, I finally, spotted the brightly lit Homey Hostel signboard and I was the happiest girl of the hour. At that moment, I knew the world was mine to conquer, dramatic much! I was also super glad that my bag had wheels so I just rolled it everywhere. Super convenient.

Made my to Level 7, where the hostel was based and was directed to the counter to collect my keycard, which is an arrangement that all travelers staying at Homey would encounter if they are checking in past 10.30pm. Rolled my bag along with me through the common area and tagged my keycard at the door leading to the room in which I'd be spending the next 7 nights.

I was pleasantly surprised at how cosy the room felt, it's not my first encounter with dorms, but I felt that my home away from home for the next 8 days was going to be a really pleasant one. The keycard that gave each of us access into our rooms also acts a power source for our individual sockets for light and charging stations. So it's basically like how it would be like in a hotel.

Then! I had to make my own bed. Hahaha. So much for the cozy and pleasant feelings. With my bedsheets and pillowcase all in place, it was time to unpack, rest and prepare for the adventures of Day 2, more on that soon, with photos!

Before I end this post, here's a youtube that I've been listening to as I wrote the 1212 words above.

拳擊手 - 雲鎂鑫

And allow me to bask in some reflected glory by saying that the singer was my classmate in uni. How cool is that. =)

Happy mid week folks! x

Tuesday, November 11

Something About Cake

21 Guns - Green Day & the cast of American Idiot

Do you know what's worth fighting for
When it's not worth dying for
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating

Does the pain weigh out the pride
And you look for a place to hide
Did someone break your heart inside
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I

When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul

Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I

Did you try to live on your own
When you burnt down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?

When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms.. give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I
Credit - Metrolyrics

Heard this song playing at dinner earlier, and it has to be one of those songs that no matter where or when or who you hear it with, you'll hum along to the tune. I love this song. It's possibly one of my all time favourites.

I really wanted to eat cake. So I bought cake, and ate cake. And now I'm a happy girl.

I hope Tuesday's been kind to you too! xx

Can I Kiss You?

Quiero Besarte - Lunafly

This song makes me happy. I think it's got much to do with the fact that it's so free spirited, the whole happy vibe has me smiling along to the tune!

I have yet to get started on my Taiwan trip posts, and I am slowly feeling like I'll never get to it. I'm such a lazy bum sometimes. I shall though, I shall.

I've been spending quite a huge chunk of my free time cleaning and tidying up the house. And I realize that I actually kinda enjoy doing house chores. Or maybe it's the fact that I feel a huge sense of accomplishment seeing things neat and tidy after a long and tedious process - my home is a very messy place, I live with a bunch of hoarders fyi. Doesn't help that my doggie feels the need to mark his territory in every possible corner (-__-).

Speaking of whom, the poor doggie has completely lost his appetite, please pray for him to get well soon, he's usually a greedy fella who'd love anyone as long as they'll feed him.

Alrighty, so much for today! Sending love to all.. xx

Alternative Treatments For ADHD
Is the ADHD Brain Different? 
ADHD treatment options 
Danau Idaman Condominium
Indiana child custody laws

Saturday, November 8

台湾回来后 的感想

如果有如果 - 鄧福如(阿福)

说真的, 我还没想好。 也或许 很简单的 就, 我很爱自己一个人。还是 我觉得自己一个人过的还瞒自在的。

I'll write an English version soon, along with details of my (solo) travel in Taiwan. Maybe it'll be a big hit and I'll get to travel the world fully sponsored from then on, like a celebrity travel blogger. A girl can dream hey!

The song was playing in my hostel and so, sharing it with you peeps! x

Wednesday, October 29

Wednesday Tune

Love 911 - NOEL

Who doesn't love a feisty girl? And abs. Fast becoming a fan of NOEL.

Update: The above is the OST of the movie by the same title: Love 911 (2012).

Sweet, simple and cute. xx

Sunday, October 26

10 Things You (Probably) Don't Know About Me

Because I find reasonable amounts of self disclosure healthy. =)

1. I recently learnt how to cook an egg using the microwave and it is perhaps one of the best things that has happened to me because now I can cook myself an egg even when the kitchen is locked up!

2. Contrary to the norm, I don't like it when people comment that my hair is very brown. Yes, I do color my hair, quite often actually - Liese Bubble hair color is another great product because it is absolutely fuss free and easy to manage, but hair dye colors don't last very long on my hair and it always fades into this light blonde brown, much against my wishes.

3. I always prefer to have milk in my coffee or tea. I've even tried it with green tea, but that didn't work out so well.

4. Recently, I keep catching myself thinking about "Loving the sinner, hate the sin". So I decided to Google it (yes, I google a lot of things), and I came across this article, which I think EVERYONE should read. Here it is (again), if you didn't click on the "article" earlier.

5. I love shopping for groceries! I can spend 10 minutes walking the tissue/ toilet paper aisle thinking which is the best tissue/ toilet paper to buy. Which is exactly why I don't shop for groceries much. I waste too much time deciding.

6. When I drive alone, I totally believe I'm a competent driver. But when I have passengers, my driving is questionable.

7. I purposely don't color my toenails so they are left unattractive so that I will deliberately wear shoes instead of slippers when I go out.

8. I love Japanese / Korean rice. And mushrooms. And avocado. And sweet potato fries. And..

9. I went window shopping a couple of days ago and was trying on some winter jackets (on the premise that I'll be in Seoul for winter) though I bought absolutely nothing, and I really wished that I lived in a cold country and I can already hear myself regretting wishing that in the first place. But that doesn't change that fact that them winter jackets are so pretty!

10. Mom had me go look for a slow cooker, and not knowing what it looks like, I just went around asking random stalls if they had a slow cooker, most of them said they only have pressure cookers. What's the difference?! Imma go Google that now.

Fantastic - Henry

"Girl, you're fantastic. You know that?"
Thank you Henry, I do happen to know that. :D

I amuse myself sometimes. xx

Wednesday, October 22

Happy Deepavali & A Mini Food Review

Inet is sucky today. =(

Happy Deepavali everybody! I had the chance to feast on some extraordinary mutton curry yesterday for lunch, courtesy of a very good friend. And I wish I have the chance to wear my saree out someday soon. Coincidentally, the saree was made for the very same friend's wedding! And the saree cloth was actually purchased by another good friend of mine all the way from India. I like how one thing links to another. =)

If you've been to Mid Valley in the past week or so, you'd have seen this. If you have not, go and see it for yourself now! It's super gorgeous. I love colors, so this is something that I really really like.

Image credit: The Star
Read about Ruden Prakash (the artist) here.

I woke up thinking maybe I should compile a quick list of some of my favourite go-to food. Considering it's Deepavali today, and one of the few many things that Malaysians truly celebrate as a whole is our glorious food.

As most of my friends would know, I am not particularly adventurous when it comes to discovering new eateries, mainly because I am a creature of habit, and also because I am extremely lazy when it comes to having to drive long distances just to fill my tummy. How unnecessary.

In any case, here are some of my favourite picks, or at least the 10 that I can think of today. Keep in mind that I tend to stick to some basic rules with my choices:

1. I emphasize that distance and location plays a big part in my choices. And parking availability too.
2. I also pay attention to price (quite a fair bit) because well, I am a penny pincher that way, plus, good food doesn't always have to expensive food, or expensive food may not always be good food.
3. I totally dislike large crowds at meal times, ie, the likes of Antipodean, Burgerlab etc. (Note: their food may be good, but I personally can't justify the waiting time just to eat a meal).

So here goes!

1. Sin Lay Peng in Lucky Gardens would be my go-to 大炒 place. It's the corner lot. I've heard some friends saying the food is not great and service is bad but in all my experiences, I've only been let down once. What I typically order from them would be marmite sotong, fried egg with preserved veg, stir fry vege of any sort, spinach century egg soup, and lastly, marmite pork ribs!

2. McDonalds is my go-to comfort food of all times. Especially during their lunch and dinner set promo. Too bad that they stopped allowing free refills. I love their sundae cone, it's one of the best icecreams around (and cheap too)!

3. Marmalade in BV 1 for salads. And their pumpkin soup. And their orange duck something wrap.

4. Starbucks will remain my favourite coffee joint, because I am loyal that way. Tsk. More so I like that my RM11 will get me a decent sized coffee as compared to some hippier joints where RM11 (or more) will reward you with two sips of coffee. Then again, I am not a fussy coffee drinker so I don't take into consideration the whole origin of the beans, the roast temperature, the aroma etc.

5. My favourite roast pork place is in Pudu - Wong Mee Kee. This is the furthest I will willingly drive for food.

6. My default breakfast place is the corner lot coffee shop in Lucky Garden underneath the slightly dodgy looking massage parlour with the yellow signboard. I love their steam bread which comes with kaya and butter, or their fish head noodle soup, or wantan mee, pretty much everything is yummy.

7. Mamak food is another of my favourites. I'd go to Devi's for puri and banana leaf rice. Pelita for their sup kambing and roti canai, and Syed's in Lucky Garden for their tandoori and satay. And as with all mamak's, my favourite drink would be either a teh tarik, or a kopi tarik. Or if the weather is really hot, then the iced versions.

8. For Korean food, the typical two places I'd go to would be Uncle Lim in Hartamas, or if I'm alone and not craving for BBQ in general, Ko Hyang in the Gardens is a good place too.

9. Japanese food wise, I really enjoy Senjyu's. But they're quite pricey. I would typically skip Sushi Zanmai in Gardens because the queue is maddening though the food is decent. Sushi Tei is another good place.

10. My most recent and most favourite meal place is Beyond Veggie. I've got some real mushroom crush. I previously went to the one in Tropicana because that was the nearest to me, but now they've opened a new branch in Mid Valley! And they've got brown rice option, healthy eating so win-win. The prices are not particularly cheap though.

Of course, these are my personal opinions and I don't speak for the general public. 

P/s: I know in the earlier part of my post, I claimed that I like cheap food, and then it turns out that 50% of the things on my list are not exactly cheap. But bare in mind that out of the 10 places I've listed above, my most frequently visited places are 1, 6 & 7.

Tuesday, October 21

Tuesday Tune

Maybe if I spent my time more wisely, I'd have less to complain about. And perhaps if I stopped relying on others, I'd be better off too. Because then I can't fault them for all that's not right in my life.

Out Of The Woods - Taylor Swift

I like the chorus! I'd say it's enchanting. Though I'm thinking that's not the best word to describe it.

I'm off to Taiwan next week, so I spent some time planning my trip last night, and as I also have a trip to Korea due in December, I'm supposed to work on the planning too, but I noticed that there are way more detailed reviews of travels in Taiwan than Korea which makes planning for Taiwan much much easier!

Apparently my hair is more blonde than it used to be. I wonder if it time to re-color it a shade darker again, but then I should save that sum for other stuff like my expenses overseas.. Hm.

I'm now reading The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, essentially my last book of this series. I've finished David and Goliath, Blink and Outliers. And I am looking for new owners who may want to take them over.

Funny that I'm still coughing slightly. This bug has been around for long. Too long.

And I've just realized that throughout this entire year, or by the end of this year, I would've experienced the four seasons in different countries! Japan in spring, Bali + Philippines + Thailand + Singapore in summer (ha, this probably doesn't really count but let's just roll with it), autumn in Taiwan, and winter in Korea! How cool is that? :)

Alright, gotta scoot to lunch now with the ex-colleagues! xx

Friday, October 17

Time Waits For No Men

I wish for you to know that. "Was going to" and "Should have" are not things I particularly wished to hear. But if I had the power to control what should be said and should not be said in this universe, then life wouldn't quite be what it should, would it?

I do however have the power to control how I choose to react to things I hear. That, will make a difference.

I am a bit angsty today, perhaps for simple reasons such as not being able to follow through with my plans. Perhaps I am a little disappointed with myself after all. That last one can go without the perhaps.

Still undecided on a tonne of things. Frustration and sadness goes hand in hand with this one. And I guess I only have myself to take it out on, because no one deserves to take the blame for things I ultimately decided on. And same goes for all future decisions.

Maybe I am having a difficult time trusting my own judgements at this point. Maybe that's why. Either way, I trust a capable girl like myself will find answers eventually. It may take awhile, but you'll get there girl, baby steps. Baby steps.

Thank You - Roy Kim

Thank You, for everything regardless. Lovely song hey? Absolutely love it.

At least I had cake today. And too much food, too much good food. I'm feeling stuffed. xx

Thursday, October 16


Raindrop - IU

I'm not really a rain person. But I'm thankful for it, least it clears out the haze somewhat each time. And I randomly stumbled upon the song (if you don't already know I am very much a Kpop person), thought it was really really nice!

So, I've been feeling a little under the weather, and the past couple of days has seen much of my planning for the coming days go down the drain. By factors that are quite beyond my control. I was pretty bummed about all the plans that have gone down the drain, but I guess many things in life are blessings in disguise.

Like how rain is not my favourite thing, and yet it cools the weather down and eliminates the haze. Well, you get what I mean, sorta kinda.

Friday tomorrow, TGIF! xx

Tuesday, October 14

Just Look Beyond The Clouds

The Sun Is Rising - Britt Nicole

This is beautiful.

I really like it when close friends call me Ai. And I think I know why. It's a term of endearment, my daddy is typically the only one who calls me that. I've come to realize that when people call me just by that, it feels like we're family.

And that's why I like it, very, very much. =)

Monday, October 13

Monday Tune

Yes, You - Standing Egg

Yay, I think I am feeling better. Finally. =)

Saturday, October 11

Little Miss Sexy Voice

So Goodbye - JongHyun

This sore throat has evolved into a full blown flu now. I can take it two ways. One, I'm on the road to recovery - though it feels like I am far from it. Two, I am getting worse.

I think I'm just gonna remain positive about it.

I've got a tonne of things I want and need to do. But I can't focus. =(

Friday, October 10

Not That It's Remotely Important, But

The Courage To Love - Wanting

There are a few things I regret.

1. Not getting that black fleece jacket (which was on sale).

2. Not getting that black "relaxed" pants that made me think of super-comfy-airport-fit-which-will-keep-me-warm (which also was on sale btw).

Darn it.

Thursday, October 9

The Withdrawals Are Serious With This One

So I am back from Bali with a nasty sore throat. It really hurts. =(

Here's a random photo of me at one of our dinner choices in Bali - Warung Wahaha. Noms! It was scrumptious, and frankly, quite well priced too (having checked my credit card bills this morning with the confirmation after the conversion rate).

On a sidenote: I always wondered why restaurants would put what ended up on our dinner plates as their mascots.

I believe this trip made me love Bali a lot more than the last trip I had. Perhaps because this time, we decided to stay put in one place and not do the touristy thing of trying to see the whole of Bali and get stuck in tortuous jams. We did get scammed by one of the taxi drivers to dinner though, I hope he lives well with the money he got off us. I mean so, in the sense that I hope he's not using that money to do drugs or buy cigarettes but instead to send his children to school or to buy them a nice meal or two. One can only hope.

What did I do this time, you may ask? We took surfing lessons and had a great session with our instructor from Odyssey Surf School, we had our daily foot reflexology massage at this place which I can't recall its name, we ate good food and dined at some really pretty places including The Deck followed by drinks at Potato Head Beach Club. And we stayed at the very orangey themed Harris Hotel Raya Kuta which is a bit of a distance to the beach but I guess that's how we managed to stay within the budget for accomm. They do have the most comfy beds and pillows though!

All in all, I loved the surf session, which was meant to be the highlight of the trip anyway, I wished we had the energy and determination to go back the second day but alas, we just couldn't get ourselves to. Saving it for a "next time" for sure.

In the meantime, I need a replacement throat.

Tuesday, October 7

Scheduled Post | Sunbathing Under Moon

Boom Clap - Charli XCX (The Fault In Our Stars OST)


This was not even close to being my favourite song out of the entire soundtrack, but it's certainly growing on me.

I was wondering (on the day I actually prepared this post), just why do people get together? I mean, I know why people get together, I understand that much, but why do they really choose to be together? How do they come to that conclusion that "Ahh, this person is for my lifetime.."?

I think I've been watching reading one too many kdramas for my own good. Heh. Ohwell.

Happy Tuesday! xx

Monday, October 6

Scheduled Post | Surf's Up

Waiting - Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt


Thought this tune would be apt, considering I should be falling over and creating quite the unglam sight surfing up the waves in Bali just about now. =)

Sometimes I wonder if I keep up with this whole outdoor-tough-no nonsense-sunshiny-girl image because it's my USP. If I don't commit and stick to it, I'd lose my uniqueness. Or, am I doing all this actually because I genuinely like sunshine.

And then now I wonder if I even had to ask myself that question because the answer is obvious.

You know, just in case, you missed me. xx

Sunday, October 5

By Far, My Most Favourite On Screen Couple

All For You - Seo Inguk & Eunji (Reply 1997 OST)


Have you ever needed to sneeze when you've got a mouthful of coffee / food? I've had that. Twice in the recent two days. Once I was at the sink, so that wasn't a big deal. The second time, I was in front of my lappie, so I had to somehow 'hold in' my sneeze. The sensation, not so cool. 

That aside, they say when you sneeze, someone's missing you. So who's that, fess up! Or just stop missing me when I've got beverage in my mouth please pretty please thanks.

What really matters? What? Being a good person does. And being happy. 


Saturday, October 4

Song, +3

델리스파이스 - 고백


1. How far would you go if you deem that you really want something? I think that would be a good base towards making (certain) decisions in life. For instance, I really want to get some sailing in within the next couple of weeks, but on the scale of 1 - 10 with 1 being not that important to 10 being I'd die if I don't do it, I think this gets a score of 4. So ah, I'm through with it.

2. In the case that the gifting seasons comes around again and I forget to mention it then, please just by me hair conditioner(s). I don't understand why a pair of shampoo and conditioner doesn't get used up at the same time, my shampoo usually lasts much longer - so it's almost to the ratio of 2 bottles of conditioner to one bottle of shampoo. So yes, please just buy me hair conditioner next time. I tend to not be fussy on brands and I typically use the ones for dry hair. Haha thank you very much in advance!

3. I much prefer myself with tanner skin. I do. And eyebrows make a whole lot of difference. It does.

Friday, October 3

Wednesday, October 1

Sunday, September 21

Life Is All Sorts Of Funny

My to do list has about 20 pending items. And at the top of my head, I can think of about just another 6 things to add onto it, sans this blog post.

Readership has been really low. I was thinking of going on a hiatus. But that may just very well happen irregardless of whether or not I want to since I'll be traveling some - Singapore, Bali, Hong Kong, all pretty much back to back, and Korea at the end of the year; and occupying my downtime with activities that I hadn't managed to enjoy when I had a full time job.

This Is What It Feels Like - Armin van Buuren feat  Trevor Guthrie

So according to Wiki, Armin is born on the 25th of December. Christmas baby. And I kinda enjoy looking at his face. Hee.

Life teaches us lessons in many funny ways.

I tend to always preface my statements with "This is going to sound bad", "This is just my opinion", "This is just my thought", "This is just how I see it", "I may be wrong", "When I look at the situation".. For the most of it, I think it's because I don't want to be held responsible for the things I say or do. So best I remain neutral. It's not exactly a winning-at-life-strategy though I've realized.

All this Asian Games hype, is making me feel sad for not being a part of it. Sadness. Not that I was close to being a part of it, it was a long shot anyway.

I need to clean up my room. It's too dusty, and I own too much unnecessary things - for an example, I have 3 chairs in my room. And I only have one bum, or do people say a pair of bums?

I also need to start working out more before I turn into a fatty. Though it's really not my fault that the weather keeps getting in my way me thinks - I said I was going to run at 4pm, but it looks like it's gonna start pouring. Rather, I really secretly hope it pours big time. Such external locus of control.

Finally showed and gave the folks the lowdown of how I fell and the Mommy said, "What made you think you could jump over it?" My response, "My extremely high (but false) sense of confidence." Daddy said, "You forgot to factor in your weight".

For laughs.

P/s: Apparently, irregardless is not even a proper word.

Friday, September 19

Thursday, September 18

1084 Days Later

Even the people whom we think are not capable of feeling any pain, they too, hurt in ways we do not understand.

Trap - 스윙스 & 유성은

On days like this, when I am not sure what the future holds, I find myself wondering if things may be different if past decisions were made differently. Or perhaps, if people were kinder to one another, would the lives of those who matter, be better? Or can we just say, everyone did their best, and no one could predict such an outcome. But there has to be a reason. Isn't it?

Life's big mystery aside..

It's finally time to bid farewell to the workplace I've come to love, despite the occasional "I hate my job" rants. I've learnt much, but I think the biggest takeaway would be in the friends I've made - they're the best you can ask for. I am now genuinely afraid that I won't be able to find friends of the same kind at my new place (wherever that may be). But for the better or worse, these guys have taught me to be a better person. So hopefully, wherever I end up next, I'll be able to bring out the best in them too. Just like how this bunch has done for me.

2 years, 11 months, 18 days later, it's time to say Sayonara! xx

Monday, September 15

In Theory

Don't Crack Under Pressure - Tag Heuer

Uniqlo is fast becoming my favourite go to attire. I know I am a bit late, only now am I jumping onto their bandwagon but whatever. However, I do believe that you should always wait till they put out your favourites on sale before purchasing them.

For instance, I particularly like their ankle length leggings pants. Simply because the length is just right for me. Ha. The first time I bought it, it was the original price. Couple of days ago, I saw that it was on sales, and it was RM20 cheaper than when I bought my first pair.

And I guess Uniqlo's designs are so basic that they'll go with just about anything.

Think I'll watch re-runs of the Reply series tonight and tomorrow.

Reply 1997

Teehee. Adorbs. Much.

Sunday, September 14

Top 10

1. I finally got down to changing the batteries of my digital weighing scale, and I am back to being enemies with the machine.

2. Is it me, or do lense solution not come in travel friendly sizes. Most of them come in 120ml, but hello, handcarry limit is only 100ml!

3. I reckon I could do with keeping a calmer attitude when skippering. If I get panicked, so will my crew. And when my crew panics, I panic more. Vicious cycle which needs to end.

4. Also, I seriously need to start learning to steer in reverse. (-_-)

5. That's a curve ball you've just thrown at me my friend. What do I do now. Do I still look forward to the Raja Muda, or should I just drop those plans altogether?

6. I have the bad habit of... digging my ears (Sorry this information may be a bit gross). And I recently learnt that digging ones ears can lead to very severe infections, especially if your hands are not clean. And these infections can very easily lead to a loss of hearing. I am keeping my hands away from my ears, and for the most part of my face.

7. I have started this little project where I keep a shoebox in the corner of my room, and when I find an item that I hardly use (but is relatively new or has some value), I will put it into that shoebox. And come the end of every month, whatever that has remained in the shoebox will be donated.

8. This coming Friday will be my last official day at work. I'm part happy, part sad. But I guess that's the normal reaction one would have when leaving a good place, but stepping into a more exciting future perhaps.

9. My brows are a real mess. But I am reluctant to thread them because it'll just end up becoming too thin. And I need to get my fringe trimmed because this whole side parting business is making the balding line a tad too obvious for my liking.

10. Constipation problem? Drink Yakult. Works like magic. Seriously. No tummy twirls and cartwheels involved, and free of all that pain in between numerous toilet visits. At the end of the day, just a cleaner and healthier bowel, with one yummy little drink each day. P/s: Not paid to write this, but trust me on this one.

Have a great week ahead, and happy birthday in advance Malaysia!

Thursday, September 11

Something Needs To Change

I just am not sure what. And or how.

Anyways, have you noticed that I changed my font? It seems to have added aesthetic value, but I dunno, I am a little torn because I think it's not as reader-friendly as the previous font. What do you think? Drop me a comment if you will. =)

I felt like a real fatty today. Ugh. Them flabby tummy. And in the case you didn't know, though I think I've tried to inform all of you (plus [+] minus [-]), I had a bad fall 2 weekends ago and required 5 stitches on my right shin while my left shin was badly scraped. Hence, I've been living an absolutely sedentary life, which mostly explains the fatty build up. Ugh. Boo. Heh.

The stitches have since come off, and I am glad to announce that the wounds are healing fine. I'll live with the scars if they really are here to stay. Reminder of one's youthful days stupidity.

I probably should get back into my exercise regime soon because there is no way in heaven that I will be cutting out on icecream and (minimal) carbs - I'm gonna attempt to make avocado & cheese toasties tomorrow morning for breakfast! Wish me luck, think the recipe is simple enough, so the luck is more for waking up early enough to prep. Teehee.

And how cool are these Cool Kids! Best with earphones on.

Cool Kids - Echosmith

I'm shedding skin once more. Lotion lotion potion please work please pretty. Neck is achy too, get well soon Neck. Should probably work on my to do list, I spy with my no-so-little eyes plenty of things that needs to get done.

I hope the week has been kind to all of you, Friday tomorrow! TGIF in advance! xx

P/s: If I hadn't told you about my fall, it's not because you're not as important, it's really just that I haven't seen you in person for awhile and I don't want you to worry unnecessarily! /love

Sunday, September 7


With All I Am - Hillsongs

Many things in life, boils down to simple discipline. How we choose to spend our time, how we achieve success, how we treat others, how we behave.

Sunday is a day where I usually find myself reflecting on the past week, and thinking about what and how to welcome the next.

Have a great week ahead! xx

Wednesday, September 3



        You enjoy variety and new challenges. You're always looking to shake things up a bit.
You are deeply emotional. You are a very soulful person, and at times you're downright fiery.

When you want to get your way, you're assertive and gusty. You are a good actor, even when you're not feeling brave.
You are easily excited and inspired. You are engaged with the world in many different ways.

Tuesday, September 2

My Latest (Unrealistic) Boy Crush

Baro (he's the one in red)

So cute. I've got hearts forming in my eyes literally.

No shame no shame. xx

Thursday, August 28


There's something called balance, just right. Too loud and it's noise, too soft and you can't hear. Peeved. Can't say you didn't see it coming. I would really like to know what are you thinking. 我喜欢自己的空间。 Do I even exist there? What happened to us? I miss you. There's no law saying I can't. I do. I must really like Bastille. Of the night. I do. I really do. 你就不能让我吗? Heck it. Hurts. Them legs. More than that. What's what. What's what. Mozzie RAWR stop biting me. 烦。I wish I were more in control of my own emotions.

Secret - 윤성기

Because we all have secrets.

Won't you teach me how to love and learn. Won't you?

Wednesday, August 27

Same Same But Different

Today, I am amazed at how people all turned out different, but yet are still the same. People who, are not who I thought they would be. That's why it's said, to never judge. People who ended up with each other despite all the odds. And are happy. And will be.

Growing Pain 2 - Cold Cherry

Love love love. How can you not.

When life throws you opportunities, but too many at a time, what do you do?

Tuesday, August 26

Slow Down

Let time catch up. Didn't think that was possible, or at least, it's always the opposite that rings true, that time flies and we must make every second count.

But in the midst of rushing, of hurrying and making everything count, maybe, just maybe, we allowed other important things to go by us without notice.

Rather Be - Clean Bandit feat Jess Glynne

I wonder if that's possible. I wonder.

Mid week already, have a good one nonetheless. x

P/s: Petronas's advert for Merdeka is cute.

Friday, August 22

When The Days Are Cold

I don't always feel like this. As a matter of fact, I don't recall when I last felt like this. This may very well be the first actually.

It's one of those lazy days - I'm not particularly sad, nor am I particularly happy. Not particularly enthusiastic, nor am I dreading the day. It's one of those days where luncheon meat and coffee trumps going to the gym for an intense a workout. Hmmm. It's one of those days where I want to go buy stuff but know that I don't really need anything. I like people, but today, I don't quite want to be around people. I want to talk, but I don't quite know what to say.

A day where, icecream is not even part of my craving.

I am not too sure if there's one word to describe this feeling really. It's not sadness, I know what sadness it. If indecisiveness is a feeling, that's probably it then.


The radio has been playing some pretty awesome songs today, in conjunction with mourning for MH17, I believe. I don't know anyone whose lives were lost in the tragedy (or more aptly put, in the many recent tragedies), but perhaps, when there's finally closure, those left behind can move on. Easy for me to say I know, but life is kinda like that - we can't ever fully understand the pain of others.

Is it too much to ask for radio stations keep to playing songs like this more often on a daily basis though?

Demons (Live London Sessions) - Imagine Dragons

I've always liked that song. But this acoustic version is even better!

Think I should at least stretch a little later. Now that I think about it, flexibility is an antidote to many things in life. Don't you think?

Alrighty! Be good! xxoo

Wednesday, August 20

Tuesday, August 19

Joy Will Come

Joy Will Come - Desperation Band

Am I doing enough? Don't think so. Why do I cause myself all these undue stress? Maybe, just maybe, it's because I know it's worth it.

Ate too much curry rice for dinner. There's something about Japanese rice, really. I'm not usually a rice-bin, aka 饭桶。

Gonna watch To The Ends of The Earth - The First 40 Years | Volvo Ocean Race and then it's bedtime.

Oyasumi! xx

I Wish

1. Someone would ACCIDENTALLY stumble unto my shopping list.

2. I had all the answers to all the questions.

3. You'd stop asking me questions that make me re-think about possibilities.

4. The weekend came quicker, and at the same time, not so much.

5. I can eat all the icecream in the world and not gain weight.

Waiting For Superman - Daughtry

No, not really waiting for superman to pick me up. But it'd be kinda nice if he's out there. Somewhere.

Night! xx

Thursday, August 14


Because I am in a hurry to go to sleep.. Here's a summary of all the jazz.

I get inspired by people. Had the opportunity to meet one of the Volvo Ocean Racing female crew sailing on team SCA yesterday. Such an inspiration.

Excellence - A Team SCA film

I would think that I'd have chicken dreams tonight. Where they'll haunt me in my sleep. Now I'm scared to sleep. I had KFC for lunch, and tandoori for dinner. Chicken overload.

Bought tickets to Bali, and Korea! Woots woots! I've always wondered what it's like to be a parent - not that I want to be one. When we were kids, even when going to the mall, we had to ask for permission. As we grew, we naturally stop asking for permission but we'll still consult our parents. And then comes a time when we just stop altogether, we just do our own thing and sometimes, we don't even tell our parents what we're up to anymore.

Sometimes I wonder how they take it.

That's it for now. Nights! xx

Sunday, August 10

Warm Honey Milk

10,000 Reasons - Matt Redman

Honey because I've got the onset of a sore throat. And milk, well, warm milk for a goodnight's sleep. If you learn one thing at all, it is to be honest.

Sweet dreams! xx

Saturday, August 9

Sleep Time

Jelly arms. Legs too. Went climbing today! Much fun though.

Glam shots.. of my bum. 
Because that's the only angle caught on camera. 

If only icecream is recovery food. If only.

Friday, August 8

Stronger, Definitely

This Is What It Feels Like - Armin van Buuren feat Trevor Guthrie

Hello! I know I've been absent for awhile. Did you, by any chance, miss me?

It's okay if that's a no. After all, I'm learning to get used to that. =)

It looks to be an exciting weekend, and an exciting week. Yay-yers! xx

Monday, August 4

Top 10

下个,路口,见 - 李宇春

1. I hope I didn't injure my shoulder, that would not be fun. Soreness I can deal with, but not an injury.

2. Mike Wan got me hooked on 中国好声音! It's the China version of The Voice. And the people who go on stage are amazing.. And I also have them to thank for a new playlist to listen to - like the song above, which is the original singer's version. So nice!

3. I pledge to not eat Maggie for the rest of August. Because it has no nutritional value what-so-ever.

4. Now that my hair is shorter, it dries faster too! /happydance

5. Yesterday's outing was a much needed one, with good people, lots of laughs, and good food. And well, I got to sail.

6. I really need to work on my lousy temper though.

7. My second attempt at Sweet Potato fries wedges was much much better. A tad too dry though, cause I tried cooking it in my microwave first - perhaps it dried up the sweet potato a little.

8. 愛是一顆幸福的子彈 愛是一次永久的期待 沒有愛就沒有傷害 - 愛是一顆幸福的子彈

9. 我要 我瘋 我要 我愛 就是; 我不轉彎 - 盛夏光年

10. 有時 我感覺失落 感覺自己像一棵草 有時 我陷入空虛 可我不知道為什麼 - 美麗世界的孤兒

Chinese song lyrics really can be quite emo, and so meaningful. And when they are all so well sung, I melt.

Saturday, August 2

Red Lips

I've always believed that as long as you have the confidence, you'd be able to pull off any style. That was my take every time I saw bloggers or celebrities wearing some fancy makeup or some out-of-this-world kinda attire.

And while I usually keep to my elements (shorts and a tee with no makeup) when I go out, today, I decided to put in a little more effort, and try the red lippy - I've tried it previously, on one or two occasions, but always ended up wiping it away before it saw daylight. 

I have to say, I really really did not feel comfortable with myself throughout. And that sucks. By the time I finished my coffee, I was left with the outlines of the lipstick. One, I am definitely applying it wrongly, and two, I just don't think I can carry it. 

So much for trying though. Least now I can say that it doesn't work, for me. Guess I'll just be contented with my natural beauty. Hehehe!

Here's one for the record anyways.

Weekends need to be longer! And hello August, be good.

Thursday, July 31

Definitely Karmin

Listening to Karmin on Grooveshark.. Her songs would totally make a good workout playlist.

Pulse - Karmin

I wanna make your heart beat
I love it when it beats for me, yeah

I wanna raise pulses
La chica with the most-est
Not in the mood for the average Josephs
Coming unglued, baby this is explosive
I wanna raise pulses

I'm coming for your rhythm, I'm here to wake you up
I wanna be your hero, I wanna shake the fluff (Credit)

I wished they had shortened the intro to 10 secs instead of a full minute before the music comes on. Which is why I am listening to it on Grooveshark.

I have icecream in the fridge - Green Tea and Cupid's Truffle! Yumss, it is the end of July after all. I also bought croissants from Tous Les Jours. The almond one for dinner earlier and the plain one for brekkie tomorrow. With my leftover tuna and light mayo from Heinz. :D

And I get to wear my new jeans tomorrow. Gonna pair it with my new pumps. Only if my toes stop hurting anyways.

Don't want to compare anymore. Why am I not as fit as they are. Why am I not as hard working. Why am I not as strong. Why am I not as good. Why am I so indecisive. Not that I do it consciously though. I just realized that I was feeling a little down after workout today and was wondering why. Then it occurred to me that I've been comparing myself to everyone lately. Not just at the gym.

My arms are jelly even though workout wasn't intense today. Times like this I wish I had short hair. Gotta breakdown my hair drying process into 30 secs, rest, 30 secs, rest.. and it goes on for about 5 mins.

Another fun (but totally inconsequential) fact: I go to sleep with my hair parted to the right, but when I wake up in the morning, my parting automatically shifts to the left.

Looking forward to the weekend, daddy's gonna be back, hopefully with goodies! x

Wednesday, July 30

She Needs A Wild Heart

Wild Heart - The Vamps

I need another day of hols. So tired. Hahaha.

I have a question. Which is probably wrong for me to ask on many levels. But I am just really curious to know, so don't judge.

What would make me more desirable?

On a completely irrelevant note, to turn into bubbles and disappear? I'd never do that. Never.

Need some good coffee. Cake sounds like a good idea too. Or a croissant. Yup, that would totally do. And a good book. Bliss.

Okay, goodnight world! xx