Tuesday, January 1

Hello Day 1 of TwentyThirteen

I just got up from a nap not too long ago!

And between waking up from my nap and now, I was streaming Girls' Generation I Got A Boy music video which was released today. All of them look out-of-this-world kinda pretty, but at the same time, they all kinda look alike too.

Of "But I have got no rent card", to "Just say No", to Chinese Monopoly deal cards, to boyfriend.com, to good food and great times!

And between the above and below, I also managed to watch the full 11 mins and 33 seconds worth of London 2013 fireworks. Simply spectacular! Though, it makes me wonder about what's all the talk with inflation and all that. Oh well, who says no to pretty fireworks! Go watch.

Today, I am thankful for each of you in my life. =)


Michael.Horn said...

so boyfriend.com is real la?

Ai said...

I don't know if boyfriend.com is real, I haven't actually tried it.