I cried a whole bunch in the movies earlier. Watched The Impossible and I can't quite pin my feelings at this point in time. Except that I am really tired from the show and all the crying and that I am once again, really thankful for what I have and that I haven't and hopefully will never have to go through such pain.
Because you're not there for me to speak to, then again, that's probably for the better. I was THIS close, THIS close. Who knows what might come out of my mouth when my filters are completely off duty.
I pretty much had a internal monologue the entire of today about what I should, could and would do. At some point, I told myself, just hit the refresh button lah. Just refresh already. And then trust something else to pop up and throw me for a new spin. The debate is endless. -__-
Stop messing with my poor head already please pretty please. I'm antsy. And I am worried I might take it out on myself tomorrow. So I'll probably go for a run in the morning. Which means, bed time should be soon.
For the most of it. My problem is that I always think I am good enough. I hardly think I am ever too good, but I've brainwashed myself to believe that I am good enough. And then again, of course, trust new things, events or people to pop up to make me realize that, just who have I been fooling all along?!
Eeeee. Emo nemo. That's why Nemo needs Dory. #hahanotfunny
Lullaby - Shawn Mullins
Everything's gonna be alright, everything's gonna be all right.
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