Sunday, March 16

One day, he looked at me and...

He said : I think I'm in love.
I smiled knowingly in return.

Alarm clock rings... Damn.

I felt like the worlds' oldest lady this morning when I woke up unable to breath properly with my chest all painful. My whole body was aching. From my neck all the way to my toes.

Okay, the toes part were a bit exaggerated but my second toe on my right foot did experience minor degrees of cramping.

It was yesterday's PT - physical training. Heng said he wanted us to be fitter for the next event. But the next event has just been canceled. Philippines is no longer on the list, a no go. I would have been really upset given the usual circumstances but this once, I was pretty relieved that it didn't work out..

I have this gut feeling telling me that things won't last long the way it is going. But anyhow, two bullets for both races today is sufficient to give me some hope that it'll be a good week ahead! I hope.

BTW, please do sign up for our experiments if you are available during the allocated time slots, please...! Please!

It was kinda refreshing sailing in the rain yesterday, I actually thought it was fun. You know how we usually go 'Run run, it's drizzling' or how we go 'It's raining, better stay in doors' and how we absolutely totally miss out on all the fun you can have while playing in the rain?! Well, I had my fair share of fun yesterday, and it was priceless...

I like this photo of me and Yvonne.
Though I look short because I am.

Photo taken during the final prize giving dinner cum party at the Royal Langkawi International Regatta earlier this year.

So much for now...

I think part of the chest pains was also due to my futile attempts in learning how to dive properly yesterday.

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