Saturday, March 29


Hm... I only understood 10% of the whole thing but I have to say that I am totally amazed and awed (is there even such a word?) with his presentation, maybe a lil' with him too lah. You try come up with a almost flawless experiment/presentation and see, u try lah!

Sharon and Mandy, haha, it was fun staring in so much amusement huh?! So fascinating.

Goes Googling... Wah, got result one leh!

*still very amazed*

It was close to a standing ovation thing lah k?! Look, it even comes before my own story leh. That's really how good it was lah.

Anyway, colloquium ended with not quite a bang, but it wasn't bad either. It was what I would say as OKAY lah, really.

I stammered the whole way, according to Mike, I somehow managed to say:
"My confederates when referring to confederates in past research''.. without me even noticing it.
But the gang did well. We kinda pulled it off lah kan?!

Thank God for everything. For passing mocks and for handing in all assignments in time yesterday too.

I'm just really really glad that it's over. Very relieved. And happy.

More to look forward to next week... Racing tmr, outings on Mon and Tues... Wah, no need to worry for assignments... for the time being.

Happy lah!

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