Monday, October 17

Next Chapter

  1. I tripped TWICE today, once in the morning and another time when I was buying lunch.
  2. I trimmed my bangs and had dinner with Mandy.
  3. I need to go get groceries. But mommy is not home till Wednesday!
  4. Kakak is sick, so she didn't do my laundry today, which meant I had to do it on my own otherwise my dirty clothes would start to get moldy. And then now I realize I don't have enough hangers. -__- Why didn't I just send them to the dobi. Too smart.
  5. I lost one side of my favorite pair of earring today! I always lose one side of all my favorite pairs of earrings. Damn sad. 
Okay anyway, this is just a real quick one, got lots of things to follow up on before I crash tonight.

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