Monday, October 3


It means, today was actually a rather tiring day.

And jeng jeng jeng...

It's official. 

After spending 4 years studying there, I find myself back in the Psych Dept @ HELP.

Please refrain from commenting on the photo. Both parents said I look horrible in it. If I had one complaint, it would be why I never have a decent ID photo!

In any case. I really like it here, feels somewhat like home. I know the people, I know my way around, I feel comfortable and it's just nice.

Speaking of feeling comfortable.... maybe save this topic for another day.

So I was saying. Today was a pretty tiring day. Waking up early to running errands to opening a new bank account to well, pretty much a busy-rush-hurry-no-breather sorta kinda day. And yet I feel like I've accomplished so little.

The consolation would be that I had KFC for lunch! =)

I really actually am pretty drained. Haha... Just wondering what else is there I need to do before calling it a day.

Good night people, have a great week ahead! xx

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