Thursday, December 15


I am going to attempt to show off my Chinese skills again, or not.

Anyway. Hair hasn't been doing too well lately, super worried I might go bald if this continues. Mandy suggested to try alternating shampoo on a weekly basis, think I'll give that a go and see if there'll be any improvements. Otherwise, it's so long to my efforts of trying to grow it.

And it can't be stress, because I am not. Maybe it's my dietary intake, Ivy says, too much salt could be a cause too.

Feels like a sore throat is underway. Go away!

Just got back not too long ago from yumcha with the uni mates. Initially I had doubts about whether or not I'd come home feeling happier than if I were to not go. I was tired. Glad I went anyway...

... really hope that April Koh Samui trip works out! /cross toes because I cannot be crossing my fingers while writing this

I am fully recovered from my food poisoning episode. It's evident from the amount I have been eating today. -__-


原来,我也没差。跟每个人都一样,都喜欢被人照着。这跟自恋应该不一样吧。但,想一想好像又是同一回事。反正,没人照就最好自己看好自己, 必尽我还是我嘛,学习坚强一点不就得了。对不对?
