Tuesday, December 13

Of Sheep, Shepherds, And Barns

Had to invigilate some quarantined sheep students for 1.5hours today. The following was the exchange between Ivy on her comp in the office and myself on my smartphone.

I edited the conversation to make it more applicable to the general public, ie, you right there.
Be entertained.

"Nvmd, all the lost sheep came back d"

"Can I tell them they are not allowed to talk to one another, they're super noisy and they're all eating their lunches in front of me!"
"And what time am I supposed to bring them to their next shepherd ah?"

"Oh crap, one of the sheep just left the room while I was sending you the earlier message!"
"Okay nvmd, lost sheep just returned."

Ivy proceeds to say,
"Just tell them to BaaBaa quietly lah" and
"You can make an announcement, If you would like to wonder to the next barn, please inform me first."

I found it highly entertaining, this whole thing. Still made me smile re-thinking the whole scenario now.

It's been a relatively cold day, downpour earlier and had a serendipitous moment staring out the window along the corridor. It's so easy to feel contented with life. Just watching the rain fall outside, and if I hadn't need to worry about being fired, I would've gone and played in the rain and came back to work drenched.

And best part was, I wasn't the only one thinking that.

Drizzling slightly now, perfect weather to call it a night.

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