Friday, July 3

Oh, really? Yes, really.

My mind is semi jumbled up again. So it is lists again today! :)
  1. Talked with Heng on the phone for a good hour this morning. Boy, I miss my brother. I am starting to really think that he's the elder one now. He's grown so much in terms of maturity. Guess him going to the States paid off very well, after all. I miss him lots and I am very very proud of him too.

  2. A friend commented and called me an owl after knowing my habit of studying late into the at night. Most friends would (by now) already know that I 'function' better at night. Less distractions, better attention span, better input. Win-win! So yes. I am an owl and I prefer studying in the wee hours of the morning.

  3. My attention span now, at this point of time, is close to ZERO, if not at ZERO. One chapter the whole afternoon, what an achievement. Crap. And also due to the reason above, I think my body is officially starting to retaliate. Or maybe it is just still sore from my gym session 2 days ago. Ugh, I need and WANT a massage!

  4. Pft.. I should not have trimmed my hair (a couple of weeks back)! I now prefer it tied up then letting it down, which is a sign that I do not like the shape it has taken on now. Should I go trim it again? Haha, I had the random-est of idea and for a short while, was thinking of dye-ing it red. :P

  5. Google Chrome is actually rather fun to use. But I'm still trying to get used to it. I like how it displays the 'most visited' sites! Looks so, pro.

  6. I have not been drinking enough water! I just realised. My liquid intake for the whole of yesterday was teh-o-suam from Devi's, Green Tea Frap from Starbucks, and Mango flavored tea while mugging at night. Oh, and the one bowl bak-kut-teh during dinner! But how... water is so tasteless.

  7. Haha. I still wanna watch Hannah Montana! I don't understand why people -the friends, are so against it. I like The Climb, and I think Miley is pretty! And the trailer looks like it's an interesting watch. Maybe when the finals are done with I shall go watch, if they're still screening it.

  8. Funny thing is, everytime my mom walks into my room, I would have either just closed my power points, or it just so happens that I am doing something else apart from studying. So, she currently thinks that I don't study at all and everytime I say "I am studying", she thinks I am lying.

  9. Haha! Got called a 'good girl' for something I did correctly??, I suppose. Interesting how simple praises like that can last people a long way. Ego boosted yet again.

  10. Last but not least, Happy Be-earlied 22nd Mike Wan Chee Horn! As people once told me when my birthday fell on the same day as the exam, "For all you know, it'll be your lucky day, you miraculously manage to answer all the exam questions and ace that paper!"

    Hopefully, it rings true for you!
I wanna go grab dinner now. All the best to those sitting for papers tomorrow and for the rest of this week, bye!

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