Friday, July 11

Holiday malasness.

=).... =D.... =P....

My last update was Monday! And I am now officially on my *semi* holidays; considering I still have Malaysian Studies on Fri's, grrrr... Anyway.

Yesterday was 'Visit Malacca Day'.
It was fuuuuuuun, minus the guilt of the extra kg's from the hakka noodles, rice balls, cendol and the uberlicious satay celup!
I am too lazy to wait for blogger to post up photos so they'll be on Facebook instead.

One of me and my CJ!

I've got a great variety of friends I tell you.. One who wants to be a fisherman, one who belongs to a Smurf clan, one who calls himself an 'uncle' at the age 19+, one who's obsessed with her very nice hair, one who's a Shin chan fan, one who can't help attempting to crack the lamest jokes of all, I however love the 'my heart crack a bit only lah' one.

Simply an amazing bunch of people!!

I just had the weirdest dream. Hee~ I dreamt that I was... getting married! Ho-ho... More like Oh-oh lah! =P

World peace people!

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