Friday, December 28

Okay, guess what... I know it's double posting today but yes, just... listen.

I'm sitting in Coffee Bean drinking I don't know what my mom ordered and am on my mom's lappie and I decided to randomly google my blog url = aili lah

And... I tell you!! The world is such a small small place. Seriously.

First, I came across this blog that had the same name 'Ai Li' used in it, so I thought, 'Let's go check it out'. Then, from there, I again randomly clicked on a link provided in that blog and it led me to (I suppose) a fellow B.Pscyh-er's blog, which had Biggie's picture in it. And, also in the picture was a sailing friend of mine...

It's a small small world... really. Yet it is so big... I dunno. =) / =( .

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