Friday, December 28

I'm surprised myself and as much as I do not wish to say it, my body is actually... aching due to yesterday's game. My joints hurt!

But anyway, it was fun. Very fun. Everything was. Lazy to transfer pics from cam to com so, yeah.

Again anyway, this post is mainly for this:

My mom asked me to get my friends to come/go, so, U INTERESTED?! Sms me terus lah if u have my number. If u don't have my number then you are most likely to be a stranger, but you can come along anyway, if u are interested.

According to my mom, it is a 'no strings attached' thing, just go for the food, fun and I dunno, company... if you are some lonely/bored soul coughkevincoughmikecough.

So yeah.

And Happy be-earlied New Year kawans!!

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