Friday, October 11

Who Are You? It's Me

// Scheduled post. //

It's Me - Kahi

Now, THAT is some serious abs. #abenvy T___T

I've always liked Kahi. She was my favourite from After School, which is why I am not particularly surprised that they don't seem to be doing too well after her departure. UEE comes in second (only because I really liked her in Ojakgyo Brothers).

I can hardly understand the lyrics, nor do I really want to understand the meaning behind "I'm so bad girl, I'm so cool girl, I'm so sexy sexy sexy girl", but I do like the sound of it.

And the music video is preeettty! Everything about it 'fits', if you get what I am trying to say - the backdrop, the fashion, the cinematography, the air in which Kahi holds it all together with such ease.

Some serious Kahi love. And even more serious is my abs envy.

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