Monday, September 9

Take A Step Back

Salvation Belongs To Our God

Let's see. Yesterday, I went to church and then went sailing. And I successfully did a couple of things wrong. One, I left my crew to go out to sea without me onboard. Two, I decided, let's just sail this when I knew the boat wasn't exactly fully prepped, and that caused the bump on my head now - from hitting the boom because it was lower than usual and I overestimated my height (when else can I actually say such a thing right)!

But all that aside, it was a nice cold sail, we had fun. I think. I had fun to say the least.

And then we had myBurgerLab in Seapark for dinner and then I met a friend for supper. Verdicts: Yay for BurgerLab's burgers and fries and dip, nay for the queue and nay for the long wait. And Devi's corner has pretty decent Teh Halia. Oh loves.

Let Us Exalt His Name Together Forever

So all in all, Sunday was good. =))

It's been rainy heys! Let's play word association for awhile.

Monday morning. Stay in bed. Coffee. Late. Blue skies. Car. Traffic. Park. People. Music. Youshouldn'thavedonethat. Funny. Rain. Glowing. Pumpkin. Spinach. Coffee. Work. Touch Love. Rain. Safe and Sound. Cold. White duvet. Stretch. Daydream. Cream cheese bun. America's Cup. Woots woots!

At some point, it didn't make sense no more.

I made dinner - cabbage soup and pan fried broccoli. Hahaha. I did say foolproof dishes! But I didn't eat much, because I wasn't hungry to begin with. It's just that my vegetables are gonna rot in the fridge if I had left it still.

That's it pretty much, have a great week ahead! #totalcuddleweather

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