Saturday, April 20

The Girl with the Dragon Zodiac

Yeah, it was in reference of the famous book title, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Not that I've read it, I want to though, heard it's a good read.

The girl with the superpower - the disarming smile.

She's much stronger than what people give her credit for. Both mentally and physically. And all that smiling, it's not meant to cover up hurt or to mask sadness, it is a choice to trust that things can be better, and will get better, as long as you try.

And the truth is, smiling does take up energy. A lot of energy. So sometimes, she gets really tired and that is when a recharge is necessary - some really good sleep.

After that, it's all rainbows and unicorns smiles again. =))

Bye, imaginary pet dragon, grow up well.

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