Wednesday, April 3

It Hasn't Been A Fantastic Day

I won't lie. It hasn't.

If I were to describe my day on a chart, it'd look something like this:

But it's so easy to focus and lament on negatives that we often get so drawn into the bad that we eventually drown in our perceived misery.

Why can't we give a little more credit to all the tiny good that occurs along the way?

Yes, there was a peak in the morning, and I wished I could have ridden on the high for a little longer, but hey. My parcel from A Fashion Story arrived, and I am pleased with my purchases. My sponsored kid from World Vision sent me a drawing of a flower. I had Boost Juice, and fried squid for lunch. I have awesome colleagues. I made decent conversations. I sat on a swing.

So the conclusion is, yes, it hasn't been a fantastic day.

But it's my choice to live it differently.

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