Tuesday, August 9

Of Job Applications

The hardest part of getting a job has to be the resume bit! If there's anything I regret about quitting my previous job, it has to be having to re-write and re-submit resumes all over again.

I like the interviewing stage though, cause they're relatively easier. There's only one and one goal only: Impress.

Looks like it's gonna rain here. So am skipping the run today. Not that I feel like it anyway.

Someone hire me already! Editing resume is so tiring.


schizo-ching said...

least urs only resume, mine is resume + portfolio!

Ai said...

I feel your pain! *sayang*

hauran said...

u've been hired? then why write resume?
and should I write a letter to get back my lovely spain?

Ai said...

no, i am writing my resume so that i can send it to someone so that someone will hire me!

come and get it lah!