Thursday, August 4

Stubborn? Easy, Learn Things The Hard Way Loh

A friend once said, Don't play with fire, you'll get burnt eventually.

And what do I do?

I go and play with fire.

And then what happens?

Get burnt loh.

Gah. Stubborn people deserve it sometimes.

Yay, I bought doggie's brush from Daiso. I love Daiso, there's nothing you cannot get from there! :D

It's raining outside so not running today. Let's see if I'll wake up and do double tmr. I highly doubt it but we shall see.

Watching re-runs of Strong Heart is making me crack up big time. Endorphin is good for you though.

I love my optician uncle, he gave me a new glasses case w/o having me to pay for it. So nice! Happy!

Going to stream Strong Heart now! Bye! TGIF tmr! :D

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