Sunday, July 10

汤姆 is Thomas, 你是Tommie!

I am loading episode 14 of City Hunter while writing this... just FYI.

Sailing today was crappy. No wind. Shouldn't have gone out after the downpour! Rawr.

I have been meaning to learn how to use PhotoScape on my lappie ever since I dl-ed it but it keeps hanging on me! Every single time I try to use it.

Thinking if I should lug my lappie with me to the east. Will be away for 11 days this time. Should I? Technically speaking, it means I won't be "around" on the 17th nor the 22nd. Happy birthday you two (in advance)! <3

My face is pimple-fied. Ugh ugh ugh... Usually, nobody tends to notice my acne spots, but even daddy noticed today! :(

Have been eating way too much for my own good. Think I'll be able to lose some weight over the course of the next 11 days? I hope so.

I typically prefer using shower gels to bar soaps. But I bought a couple of bar soaps made from natural ingredients - some local Thai product, just two to be exact, based on Apple's recommendation.

And they are pretty nice to use! Very foamy! But I reckon they are pretty pricey because at the rate I am going, I will probably finish using a bar in approx 1.5 weeks. Anyhow.

Falling asleep last night was easy peasy, no tossing and turning. Very happy!

Though, I believe I had a tiring dream. Some familiar faces were in it but I don't remember the dream in full. I say tiring because despite having clocked in 9 hours of shut eye, I felt sleepy the whole of today. Which isn't normal.

Can I please have some normal dreams that will have me wake up feeling normal?

I am so random today! :))


Charles said...

C'mon it's not that far.. I'm sure you knew it right off rawr.. sometimes I change name and become charlie/charles.

So it's borneo race this year huh.. well thanks. . and have fun dear

Ai said...

What? Are you DID now?! Why so many names...

It was fun, thanks!

And you are most welcome.