Monday, June 9

Gah, mid terms over. Period.

Kung Fu Panda niceeeeee! Can laugh a lot one.
Side note, BV's Chatterbox serves better food compared to the one in One U. Or maybe it could probably be just my personal preference.

Anyway, shoe hunt was pretty miserable. So susah to find the perfect pair! But other than that, it was a good day out.

I need, slash that, I want a pedicure! My toe nails are becoming fugly and my feet needs a good scrub. Too much dead skin cells, cracking heel, very not nice to look. Also, very very unfeminine. =/


For those who don't already know, 20 candles. No more, no less.

My surprise birthday dinner @ Bakerzin in BV after Biopsych paper!

[my cake looks yummy kan?!] =)
The controversy/mystery of who ate two extra pieces resulting in Betz & Lala not having their portion continues/remains..

My birthday cake for the past two years had one thing in common, both were HARD.
As in non-cream base. Weird choices my mom is capable of, but she certainly has some excellent taste.

Pictures courtesy of Kev, I curi from FB. Because it was a surprise hence I didn't exactly have the opportunity to bring along a camera. I obviously was not dressed for the occasion which also explains why I'm not posting any full body photos..

Hee~ Humans can and are oh-so-self conscious. Or is it just me? =)

Talking about cakes, I thought this was interesting. It was from an email entitled : Divorce Cakes.

Reminds me a lil of Mr and Mrs Smith.

I believe I've posted this one before, with Benny & Stuie of Quantum Racing. But then again, it's one of the many photos whereby I uber uber like. =). So..

This one also I super uber like.
Taken in Phuket with the stupid boy who forgot my birthday and only wished me after I told him.
But nevertheless, I still think I look nice.

Oh, and I am now a [mediocre??] red head. =0 / =0 / =)

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