Saturday, August 17

Nutella On Toast

Once, when I was hungry at night, a friend told me to "spread Nutella on bread and eat lah". Then, I argued saying I can't because it's too high cal and also because I didn't have Nutella nor bread. I think I went to bed hungry that night.

But I have Nutella and bread at home today, so I had toast with Nutella and a glass of milk. And this is on top of dinner, mind you.

I don't know why was I still hungry after a decent serving of noodles for dinner. But since I am going sailing tomorrow anyway, I thought I might as well just give myself a slight sugar + carbs boost.

So much yuuuuuumms!

Tteokbokki on the road side with the boys, in Seoul.

I've got some serious Korean food craving too. 

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