Thursday, February 23

Had I Not Quit Ballet

Just look. Look at the poise, the passion, the grandeur, the pain, the perseverance, all, everything and more. Hear what they say.

Would I even have gotten that far? Nope. I never really liked ballet anyway, only did it because my parents sent me to learn. But to hear someone say, "It's just the joy of dance, I think we are all addicted to dance.. art, like drugs". Now, that's a whole different level.

Are we passionate about the things we do? Am I passionate about the things I do? I can answer you flat out. No. Not quite.

As for you, I don't know. I think you are passionate about the things you do, you just don't admit it. And maybe that's why it is even harder for you. Because you refuse to admit it. I hope you are alright. /hugs

I though, need to find something I can really be passionate about. Where, how, what, who, when remains a mystery.

What are you passionate about - food for thought?

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