Tuesday, September 29

Blister and color pencils.

Not emo, just really tired.

I am dead tired... Like really tired, totally drained tired.

My thumb is freaking sore from the damn blister I got from sharpening 36 color pencils. Crap. The color pencils were totally useless during the workshop today. I suspect it is because they have not been used for too long.

I have no idea what I was thinking. There wasn't even a reason to sharpen them for I won't be using them till God knows when. And despite all that I have to do, I went and sharpen 36 freaking useless color pencils...

That, my friends, is a typical moment whereby the word 'stupid' is warranted.

Now my thumb freaking hurts. And I am tired.

My internet connection is totally sucky tonight, wonder if I'll even manage to post this up.

I've got a lot to do tonight. A lot. And I am really tired.

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