Wednesday, July 17

The Best Red Velvet Cake Ever

If you wanna know where to get the best red velvet, ask me. I'll tell you. Because good things are meant to be shared.

Currently, it's not available at a shop or cafe but if you're keen to try, I have some at home which I don't mind letting you sample, provided you're a friend of course. If you're a random passerby, you can leave a comment and I promise you, I will let you know how to get some. And it's for a very reasonable price too.


I definitely overate for dinner. Satay, lassi, roti canai, sweet apam and teh halia. All that was just for dinner. And I don't want to count calories because I'd be sad that I exceeded my daily intake. And I'm too lazy to move to burn off the excess. I hope I'd still be considered cute if I continue to put on more weight.

Neways. Some pictures...

 My current favourite pair of earrings - Nightingale
Here's the blog link if you would like to check the stuff out for yourself: 

The very awesome red velvet cake I mentioned. 
Yup, it's one of my very belated birthday present but who's complaining. /love

And my Australia plushie family / collection.

It's 12 now, so Heng's 24 today (17th July). Happy birthday little brother!

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