Sunday, July 14

Running Man Is Insanely Entertaining

Okay, so I'm a bit late to jump onto the RM bandwagon but it's so hilarious. Ever since I relocated my "work station" to the living room, I've been watching random snippets of the show and I cannot stop laughing.

DramaFever why you no allow the full Eng subbed episodes to show here?! =/

Evidently, all things Korean are appealing to me more so than ever.

Feel the need to stop being so sedentary but at the same time I can't think of anything else that I want to do, without having to: a) spend excessively / b) get stuck with a crowd / c) be forced to have conversations / d) all the above.

Doesn't leave much left to do hey?

Well, good thing there's YouTube and Dailymotion!


KRY said...

안녕 senior, this website is the more ideal one (well at least imo) if you are following RM or any thing/news related to them ( a group or individually), since it contains almost everything about them.

Eng sub will be updated every Tuesday, Chinese sub at Monday, raw and live at Sunday.

Enjoy and have a nice week ahead.

Mandy said...

No wonder never call me out. I am turning into "Korean" too :)

schizo-ching said... <-- latest running man show :D welcome to the hoot

Ai said...

Thanks for the links guys! =)