Wednesday, June 22

I Simply Cannot Imagine Pinky Being Green So He Is Staying Pink

Went for a free mani today sponsored by mommy, not that I have been paying for the previous few... Anyhowww.

I couldn't decide on a color so I texted the friend for color preference and the choices were green or red. The friend responded, green, so green it was - Nubar Green Tea! :D

Had McD for lunch for the second time this week. So bad. T__T

Went to get my eyes checked after lunch. Vision has been slightly blurry lately (tongue twister, try saying it fast). Apparently my power dropped again. The optometrist says it's a good thing. I really hope it is considering the amount of people who have been telling me that it is not normal for power to decrease at our age.

Just did a series of quizzes on Blogthings.

I think self-expression is elegant.
My friends see me as playful.
I am cheerful.
And my heart is blue.

Accepted a job for October and December. Think I'll just start telling people I am a freelancer for now.

I have been double/triple/quadruple posting over the past week, officially beating the most posts in a month ever since I started blogging!

Will be away the next couple of days; don't miss me too hard!

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