Tuesday, February 5

Mr Penguin Found Me

I am thankful, that I am not like you, in some ways.

My tummy has been playing games with me all day long. I'm tired.

Is it incompatibility? Why do I get jittery and speak gibberish at times?

Good advice this - Don't do something permanently stupid just because you are temporarily upset. Good words.

I can't help but feel a little left out actually. That I am not taking any classes. It'd be nice if I actually could participate in some of the conversations that go on. But anyway.

If only I had a little more smarts. But we make do. =)

Let you in on a not-so-little secret...

Mr Penguin found me! /heart
I've always wished that someday, I'll be holding hands with someone whom I love (and that someone had better love me back too) and we'd be watching fireworks together somewhere in the night sky.

There you go, my not-so-little secret! 

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