Monday, February 11

It's Actually Starting To Get A Wee Bit Chilly Here

And yours truly, thinking that it was gonna be some hot ass summer, didn't pack any jeans or longs for that matter. Champion.

I'll survive anyhow. =)

I had 8 days in Sydney, I am already at Day 3, time is going by too quick!

Today was much more mellow than yesterday in terms of activities. The rest did some major grocery shopping. I got a bit of stuff for the rest at home to nom too. The other fun thing to do while grocery shopping is watching what other people have in their carts.

Traveling makes me HIGHLY introspective. Not that it's a bad thing. I was thinking about life and where I am headed and got a bit agitated with myself at some point. Pfft!

Anyway. I think the itinerary for tomorrow is Blue Mountains. Looking forward to it. I hope there'll be some sun, barely working on my tan.

After awhile, it just doesn't matter anymore.

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