Thursday, September 17


According to,
1. the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet (E, ε).
2. the consonant sound represented by this letter.
3. Mathematics. an arbitrarily small quantity, used to indicate that a given quantity is small, or close to zero.
Epsilon - Kygo

1. When I start talking, I talk a lot. And when I do talk a lot, it's because I am comfortable around you. Or, in retrospect, it's also likely because I can't stand awkward silence.

Besides, what's the point if we all sit around the table and each stare at our phones. I don't get it.

2. I gave myself a scare this morning..

3. I really, really really, really want to sail some. On a fast boat. Like on the TP52. With the usual awesome crew. And plane with the hugeass kite.

4. I should attempt to get some work done. But I suspect even if I turn my work laptop on, I won't accomplish very much.

5. I like talking about myself too much, every sentence above makes reference to I.

On to serious matters, my doggie seems to be a little sick, please pray for his fast recovery!

Good night world, sweetest dreams! xx

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