Wednesday, January 7

Reporting In

Hi, I'm still alive and well. It's been three days since I've started work at my new place, and I am glad to say that I am gradually enjoying it more and more.

I did weigh myself today, and I am not pleased to note that the number reflected marked an increase of 2 freaking kg's. Where did that come from! (-___-)

And I can't say that I will watch what I eat from now on because I just keep getting hungry, and my meal sizes also seem to have grown bigger, I am not pregnant, on that note. Unless it's a miracle baby, which.. no thanks either.

I am hoping that it's due to an increase in metabolism from my sessions at Bodytone. Or, in an ideal world, I hope it's that with the hormonal changes every woman goes through at some point in their lives, and assuming I'm going through mine now, I hope this phase of hormonal change will magically increase my metabolic rate too.

Ha. Just who am I trying to kid.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

It's probably just muscle mass. :)

Good to know you're enjoying your new job btw! Phew.