Tuesday, November 1

And Here Comes November

I just had the urge to write about something this morning.

My work inbox is filled. And I have yet to really read through them. But quickly, some thoughts first.

2 more months till year end. Where on Earth did the other 10 months go to? It's true, the older you grow, the faster time flies. Ugh.

If I think of it in terms of production line... This is how it goes. The parents as in the main factory. So the planning starts, then the production. then the testing and then the development, then further development and then the packaging. I am a pretty good package no? You have to agree.

My parents did a fasntastic job I reckon. /glee

Started doing work mid way so this was left hanging... And I can't think now because my brain is on work mode already.

Might update this again later... Might not.

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