Wednesday, October 24

Yippy ya ya, Yippy yippy ya,
Yippy ya ya, Yippy yippy ya..
Yippy ya ya Yippy yippy ya ya,
Yippy yippy ya ya,
Yippy yippi ya!
*sing along with me*

I bet u can sense just how happy am I as of like... right now! I'm like totally beaming and totally totally happy and satisfied!! Like really-the-totally!!

* Boon Woei, u probably think I'm overacting and being abit 'too much' but heck, I'm just really happy that it turned out well. So, let's just all be happpy! Can?

Yeah, so you figured!

Anthropology presentation went well, lecturer was pleased, we're (AiLi, Boon Woei, Chun Feng & Darryl) happy - the combination of ABCD wasn't bad!! *smiles*
Correction: I'm VERRRRY happy!!

I guess u got my point.

Anyway, thank you Mandy! Liverpool Supporter! Betsy & Lala! Poh Sim & Ally! Min Huei and gang! And everyone else who, in one way or another helped/supported/prayed/and was there with us. Shucks! Sounds like I won an Emmy or something.

But come on, I'm just like uber duper super glad that things turned out well.


Ohh, how could I! I forgot to include Sharon in my thank you list! Hee~

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