Sunday, December 28

Dedication To Our Nation

Safe & Sound - Taylor Swift ft The Civil Wars

Our country has been hit with several devastating incidents this year. With three aviation related crisis that took many lives, not to mention those left behind to deal with the grief. And with the flooding that is currently affecting thousands of lives.

It's a lot to stomach for us as a country and while I often joke about my country and sometimes even ridicule about this land with others, all the above really has nothing to do with the administration of the country. They were natural disasters, and accidents that no one would've hoped for. Sure, things could've been or can be, handled more effectively, the bottom line though is, it is not the fault of Malaysia that planes go missing, or gets shot down, and that people are robbed of their homes because of the torrential downpour. Or is it?

And where do we stand as a citizen in the midst of this all? I know I am sitting comfortably in my room, typing this out word for word on my laptop while drinking an iced cold Sprite. So I write about things, and I express how I feel, and list expected behaviours, but am I doing anything about it myself? No. So I too, am guilty as charged.

Will I do anything about it then? I don't know. Truth be told. What can we do? To help out with the flood relief efforts, you can check out these alternatives. As for the rest, our prayer goes out to them.

Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound

2014 Resolutions - Summary

On a completely random note, perhaps it is my cue to start drinking my coffee black, because twice now in a row, the fresh milk I bought had gone bad in under 5 days. 

That aside. Here's the summary to my previously updated 2014 resolution, currently working on my 2015 list.

1. Shopping ban. I am putting a ban on buying new clothing for the entire 2014 - no new shoes, new tops, new jeans, no new earrings / rings / necklaces etc, unless the situation deem it completely necessary. Gifts for others are a different story.

So from my previous update, I ended up shopping a fair bit in Taiwan and when I was in Korea. To be fair, my purchases in Korea was to again save my ass from being frozen. No excuses for my Taiwan purchases though. My top brand award this year, without a doubt, goes to Uniqlo. If only they'd sponsor my wardrobe..

2. To travel to 2 new places that I've not been to before. Calling all travel buddies!

Checked! Philippines in March for sailing, Japan in April for holiday, Koh Samui in May for sailing.. And building on that list, I also traveled to Singapore, Bali, Taiwan (which was a first) and Korea + Busan.

3. To be vegetarian and/or pescetarian the first week (7 days) of each month. This is mainly to lead a healthier lifestyle. This means I'll be meat-free for my birthday this year too, party planners please take note!

I was doing pretty well on this until I left my job and started traveling. I believe I stopped following this 'rule' from September onwards.

4. Read more. And Dramabeans don't count.

I've finished in total about 9 books this year! David and Goliath, The Social Animal, Three Cups of Tea, Blink, Tipping Point, Outliers, Where We Belong, Picture Perfect and Looking for Alaska..

5. Be more watchful of my expenses. To jot down as best as I can all my expenditure daily.

I didn't even do this for a day. But I feel I am a pretty responsible spender, I don't spend more than I can afford. And that also means that I don't spend every last cent of my earnings. Though the year-end travelling (without an income) did set me back quite substantially.

6. Work towards a promotion at work, or in other words, be open to any career advancement opportunities, and be proactive while at it.

So I've left my previous employment and I will be starting a new role in the coming year of which I am partly excited and partly anxious. We'll see!

7. To spend at least half an hour each day to do quiet time. If due to unforeseen circumstance I happen to skip a day, it shall be replaced within the same week.

I resorted to getting myself a daily bible and I try my best to read the allotted daily portion before I sleep each day. However, there are days where I end up wasting my entire waking hours doing inconsequential stuff and come night time, I give myself the excuse that I'm too tired to read. Not proud of myself at all.

8. To get a full medical check up.


9. To learn a new language, or a new skill. And in general to be open to new adventures and ideas.

So I tried surfing in Bali which was a first. I also finally did my basic rock climbing course at Camp5 which means I can basically go there on my own now. I also traveled solo for the first time this year. I also spontaneously sailed with a group of people which turned out to be pretty valuable experience altogether.

10. To be kind, patient, forgiving and thankful. Always!

If I had to pick one thing to reflect upon in 2014, it would be the fact that I am completely capable (depending on whether I want to or not) of playing the kind, patient and forgiving self when it comes to strangers and friends but not so when it comes to family. I suppose the problem lies with me, after all, if I am capable of being nice to a perfect stranger, why can't I be nicer to family? But I suspect that this has a lot to do with how things are at home too, and family can be the most difficult people to deal with sometimes because they are family. I don't know what I can do to better myself at being a better daughter to my parents, a better sister to my siblings, a better granddaughter to my grandparents, and a better niece so on and so forth, but I suppose that's what people mean by, life is a learning process. You just keep trying your damnedest.

Signing out on my 2014 resolutions in advance! 

Saturday, December 27

The Space Between

The Space Between(틈) - SoYou(소유), Kwon Soonil(권순일), 
Park Yongin(박용인)(Urban Zakapa) 

So cute!

有时候 把自己 看得高高在上 就是本小姐 最大的缺点。。

I know I should be putting more effort into keeping the blog updated seeing that there's nothing much on my plate (figuratively speaking) until next year, but let's just say that, I've got more urgent matters that requires my attention. Hehehe.

The weather is cold. Which I suppose if not for half of our nation being affected by the flooding, I would say that the drop in temperature is a welcomed one. So while us in KL may not be affected, let us think of the many others who are currently in need of aid.

Sometimes, it is so easy to feel blissful and contented with our tiny little lives that we ignore the big picture. Let us not get to used to that kinda of living.

Have you given some thoughts to what you want to achieve for the coming year? And also, have you given yourself some time to reflect on what you've achieved the past year? If no, now's probably a good time to do so. 

Much love! xx

Friday, December 19

Some UNIQueLOve

I want to buy everything from Uniqlo -!

One of the things that I am still hung up on my recent trip to Korea is the cold weather clothing, on top of the entire trip itself.

Sure, I like my jeans short and spag tops, but putting on all that layers has a certain allure to it too. Albeit you walking out of the house looking the same everyday because you'd always have your outer coat on. Ha!

I've previously posted about how I'm a huge fan of the brand, I'm now a firm Uniqlo believer. We bought a tonne of heat tech stuff from Uniqlo while we were in Seoul and they served us well. I personally got more extra warm heat tech - socks, beanie, leggings and an inner top. So comfy! And my fleece (which I also wore during my sailing stint at the Raja Muda) was also ultra comfy. I liked the whole turtleneck business.

I am still owing my posts on Taiwan - which I think I am probably not ever going to get down to writing. Total fail as a travel blogger wannabe.

Also, yours truly now has short hair..

Looks good eh? ;)

Tuesday, December 16

Notes From Yesterday

Power lunches. Americano.

I am struggling with the very verse I posted on Sunday. Then I am reminded, nobody said it was easy. Nobody said it was easy. And so it isn't.

How do you calculate your worth?

My love for cake.

I realized I am terribly good at spending money I don't have.

Notes from yesterday.

Sunday, December 14

Song for Someone

Today's worship session at church was specially uplifting. Or maybe it's just me having been away for too long..

Psalm 121
A song of ascents.

1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
    he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
    will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The Lord watches over you—
    the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord will keep you from all harm—
    he will watch over your life;
8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going
    both now and forevermore.

Two particular statements that stuck with me from today's sermon was that the truth hurts, and that you reap what you sow. Timely reminders, and apt for me at this point in time.

I'm in the midst of compiling a playlist for a mini gathering, and I'm pretty pleased with the selection I have so far. This song is one of em'.

Song for Someone - U2

I hope Sunday will be good to you too. xx

Saturday, December 13

Baby Don't Lie

Baby Don't Lie - Gwen Stefani

Too many new good workout songs! No reason to not work them muscles a little.

Yeeehaaa! =)

Seoul Withdrawals

날 위한 이별 - 디아 (DIA)

Hello Saturday! It's already been almost a week.

The goal today would be to be productive, and go to bed tired!

Wednesday, December 10

I Am On The Outside

Outside - Calvin Harris feat Ellie Goulding

Woots! New workout song!

Now, if only I can get my lazy ass to do some skipping tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 9

10 Things About Sailors

Disclaimer: Obviously, these are my own opinions and are in no way representative of the entire sailing population. And obviously these are based on my own observation, so it's representative of the people I have sailed with.

1. Sailors are dirty people (while we're out at sea).

Dirty in the hygiene sense, or at least that's the case I am making here. We can wear the same pair of socks, same shirt and same shorts for days on end, with a brief rinse in between each wear. We sleep on the same spots where we've just stomped all over while racing. When lunch in served in between races, we don't look for hand soap, we just eat.

2. Sailors are mostly trusting, and I would even say naive to some extend.

When you hop onto a boat, you are trusting your equipment, your crew members and of course, trusting God to keep you safe. Anything can go wrong in fact. But for the most of it, we just go ahead anyway, trusting and believing that we'll find a way.

3. Sailors drink.

Some more than others. That's why the term drunken sailors is so common. I fall into the "drink very little" category. And to be honest, I am not a fan of those who drink and get drunk and talk incoherently and get all wild, which explains why I sometimes am a party pooper. I am a happy drunk myself though, so on all counts, I am for moderate drinking.

4. Sailors are capable of thinking outside the box.

We once used a pair of screwdriver to slice our quiche because there was no other (better) alternatives onboard (also point number 1). Though this is not the best example to illustrate point 4. Well, if something was to happen out at sea, you have got to do what you have got to do, and quick. This is not my strong suit, but sailing has definitely helped me to become better at it.

5. Sailors make good friends, at least those you can actually get along with.

I've always said that if you sail with a bunch of people and at the end of the day you still want to sit next to them at dinner, they're friends for keeps, or in other words, family.

6. Not all sailors you encounter are going to be your friend.

While point number five says that sailors make good friends, not all of them are going to be your cup of tea. There will be personalities that you can't and won't get along with - sailors will lasts long enough to complete a race, that much respect they'll show to one another. However, at the end of the day if you're not in my buddy list, then you're not. I've had to learn this the hard way, primarily due to the fact that I need want to liked, but if I don't like you, I cannot expect you to like me too. Simply put.

7. Sailors don't care so much for hierarchy.

I've sailed with many people who are much older than I am, much more successful, much more financially stable, much higher power, and with reputable careers - and yet, on the boat we're all equals. Yeah sure, they'll get the tiny one to run water errands and pick food for the crew, but there's no such thing as "I am the CEO of xyz so you go get water for me."

And being a girl doesn't mean you'll be relegated to kitchen duty (or whatever else), but as always, respect is earned, not warranted, so earn that respect, then talk.

8. Sailors are strong and independent individuals.

This statement is pretty self explanatory I guess. Goes without saying.

9. Sailors are resilient.

Perhaps out of desperation sometimes, but when you have to survive, you'll adapt. That's my motto. And thus, come what may, trust us to find a way.

10. (Most) Sailors are great people. Really.

Monday, December 8