Saturday, January 29

Yay, I am RM52.70 Richer

Okay nvmd that random bit.

I am still in bed, haven't brush teeth, haven't looked in the mirror, but my gut feeling tells me it's a bad hair day today. T___T

And I totally am missing my long hair, screw fb photos lah thanks to viewing old photos throughout the past 7 months...

Yest, I had the opportunity, so to speak, to meet some rather un-nice human being. And I really really didn't like them, not one bit. I confirm would have said something along the lines of: Are you born that way or has life been that hard on you that you cannot be a nicer person??

But... my nicer side prevailed and the only bad thing I did was give them that 'I really don't like you' stare which I doubt they even bothered.

One thing I have been learning and trying very hard to practice, is to not pass judgement onto anyone and to love more, hate none.

Guess I semi failed at both of that yesterday.

But anyways. Apart from all of that, looking out the window...

It looks like a beautiful morning! :D

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