Saturday, January 29

The New Best Friend (Updated)

It does feel like my blog became my newest best friend.

Always there when I need it. Except it doesn't talk back when I ask questions. I have Google for that so it doesn't matter.

I should really just go pierce the ears once and for all. Otherwise I keep wondering what it may be like.

** Okay lah, I fess up - I am too chicken to try. But that may actually be a good thing!

Gold nail polish for CNY this year - I have decided. Gold and glittery!

** The glittery polish I had on my toes before this was a pain to remove. A huge pain. So I am against glittery now. Shimmery gold it is. :D

I like looking at myself way. too. much. Is there a limit to how narcissistic a person can be before it becomes unhealthy? LOL

Still cannot comprehend why girls must wax! If I had it my way, I'd say girls shouldn't need to bother. Waxing is such a pain. And silky smooth legs / underarms are practically impossible to achieve! Adhering to social pressure sucks.

For this reason alone, I absolutely love winter!

I probably shouldn't be shopping. Since I don't need anything in particular. But nobody said shopping was only for necessities right?

But I really shouldn't lah.

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