Thursday, August 20

In one breath!

I am back home in KL and I am off to Krabi on Monday and I just found out that next sem's timetable is out and I have 'played' around with it a little and it doesn't look so bad after all but how on earth did I end up with 4 free electives left I have no idea however I am not complaining cause life is just too much fun at the moment and I am probably also sailing up to Pangkor at the end of the month with you-know-who-you-are-I-hope-you-are-still-keen (while this is totally a maybe) Krabi is confirmed, oh I can't wait to finally go on a trip with the girlfriends, we'll have an absolute blast not to forgot the amount of fun I had in Thai the whole of last week which reminds me that I need to go threading and should I also get the hair trimmed?

Phew! You can take your breath now.

The crew in Pattaya, 400kg's in total, nice!

Photo to end.

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