Thursday, June 11


Okay, I know I did say I will blog about it, but Sharon has already beaten me to it. Go here.

And what she has written pretty much covers everything, so instead of writing a similar post, I'll just put in additional comments, so make sure you read her post before reading any further!

Additional comments:
  1. When it hit 12am on the 5th, I was already smiling like an idiot despite still having a paper to sit for at 8am the same morning, simultaneously receiving messages on msn, phone, Facebook and also had a couple of phone calls, 3 to be exact, that night.

  2. I wasn't expecting much for the day considering I already had an earlier surprise @ Betsopia but still, I was thinking 'maybe there's still something..'. All the way, I figured the movie was a distractor, and that lunch was going to be the other surprise. So when the trio (Sharon, Boon Woei and Mike) agreed to makan @ Alexis in The Gardens, I figured, Ah! So that's where everyone is going to be waiting! I have to say, I was UPSET when no one was there, almost to the extend of crying, note: almost. But, 3 good friends are better than none. So, content was what I felt.

  3. At 2 o'clock, Betz called with her uber gila impromptu plan of going down to PD which she had mentioned to me over MSN the night before. I was tired but I agreed and the trio so reluctantly agreed to come along. Mr Chuah even called his mom saying '... going to PD, will be back before dinner'. ZzzZz, big ass liar!

  4. By the time we paid the bill to leave Alexis, I was totally convinced that there was nothing left to expect for the day. Honest.

  5. The trio + Betsy came up with the idea of telling me, "Hey, show us your life when you lived here lah''. How creative and totally convincing! I was so touched that they were willing to go all the way to PD to celebrate with me that I told them (when on the beach) with a pretty solemn tone saying "Hey, really, thanks for coming all the way to celebrate with me''. They must have been laughing in their hearts all along!

  6. When I heard someone (who sounded really like Sam) scream "Oiii, come up lah, we wait damn long already", I still wasn't sure if that was for me to hear until I saw the reactions of the four, smiling ever so broadly. A trace to where the voice came from, I saw many human figures but they were all too tiny for me to distinguish who they were, nevertheless, a surprise it was to see who made it.
That's really probably the end of it. I've said thank you more than I can recall and I have said this will be the last thank you I'd be saying but I guess it just never ends. I am probably going to be thanking people at my 22nd for my 21st surprise. Seriously.

So, thank you once again!

The tone of this post may not reflect the real actual level of happiness I felt then but that's because we are in the midst of completing our position paper except that I am now taking a breather. So yeap. Was definitely hundred times happier then!


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