Thursday, April 3

It's Raining Outside

And it cannot get any more random than this.

1. I believe icecream was created to make life worth it. And that girlfriends are angels in disguise.

2. I (secretly) wanted to cry today. I guess I did after all.

3. Writing this while wrapped up in my blankets. And thinking, I am so blessed.

4. Sometimes, I wonder why I even bother. But I do know the answer, it's because I care.

5. My hair colour is fading too quickly. It's not even that obvious no more.

6. I created a pretty awesome playlist on Grooveshark today!

7. When efficiency really isn't the best thing.

8. Late twice in a row. I hate waiting, but I hate being late more. I hate having to be in the position to say, "I'm sorry", particularly when I could've avoided the situation.

9. My heart has been hurting lately. I wonder if it's psychological or physiological. I reckon it's a bit of both. Heart, what is wrong? I should probably make good on that medical check up that I've been planning to go for. But can anyone please go with me pretty please! I need a hand to hold and the nurses will just laugh at me if I asked to hold theirs. And not mommy either because she'll just end up scolding me.

Maybe it's not even my heart. Maybe it's my stomach. Lol

10. Can't believe I'm turning 26. Soon.

11. Are you Eurasian? No. Why do you speak Malay so fluently? Well. But your name is totally Chinese! Hilarious conversations.

12. Japan in 5 days!

13. A pending to do list.

14. Samui too... Wheee.

15. Guilt feelings totally eats you up. It's so crappy.

16. Need to catch up on sleep. Them eye bags are huge.

Total cuddle weather. If only. xx

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