Saturday, November 2

The Simple Recipe


Some reflection time, some personal space, prayer, cheerful supportive people and good advice from real adults - because I don't consider advice I give myself as adult advice, makes the world okay again. Oh, and coffee, one shall not forget coffee.

Not that I wouldn't have recovered from yesterday's episode, it just depended on how long it would've taken.

Which brings me back to my advice giving self (as mentioned earlier, this is the part which you have to always take with a pinch of salt), a lot of things in life, the more you think about it, the more you feel like you're at a dead end.

Sometimes, it pays to take a step back, breathe, let others help you and then approach the situation again. If all else fails, don't worry, just give it another shot. Try a different method. Or change your perspective.

Nothing can be so bad except for the fact that you're really hungry but you don't have anything to eat.

Happy Saturday you all.

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