Wednesday, May 20

Top 10 for today!

What's the opposite of daily?

1. Crap.. Ethics mid term now falls on the 5th! Crap.

2. While I have not been spending / shopping, for I don't know what reason, money has been flying out of my purse at a super fast rate without me realizing it! I'm so broke. Sigh.

3. I just signed my scholarship letter for the 4th consecutive year! Super happy & a tad bit proud of myself lah.

4. C+ for Counseling Skills.. Argh!

I like my hair now! Super thankful I didn't cut it when it was at that annoying stage!

6. Class on Friday canceled! No need to wake up @ 7.40am in the morning! :)

I am brown in color.. which in a way, is a good thing! Cause I like being tan, but.. let brown be brown and not any darker lah!

8. I.. must.. make.. sure.. I go for facials on a more regular basis! Cause it freaking hurts when the beautician pokes at your blackheads which are ''black, stubborn and too many for my own good'' to get them all out after 4 months of blatant ignorance.

9. It's week 2 already, 4 chapters covered in Ethics, 2 in Cross Cultural, what have I read, nothing! Thesis too, done nothing so far! One assignment due next week.

10. I hate to plan & to think & to weight consequences! Can't life just live.. itself? Phuket Race Week or not... US or not... To trust or not.. To have expectations or not.. Me, Hates.

Top 10 for today! And thank u for clicking on my ad! It's only @ a few cents now.. but I have faith. Haha! :)


edmundfatguy said...

hey...brown suit u also be proud of it...
exam fall on 5th of june...might be a good thing for u...coz tat day ur i suppose it should be a lucky day for u...

Ai said...

haha! brown suits me, i know! very proud of it actually. thx anyways!

i hope so too! lucky day it shall be! (: <3