Thursday, October 7

I Miss My Anchor

... earrings from F21.

* bohoo, attempted to find a photo of it, takde! *

If you know which pair I am talking about, you are definitely a good friend of mine because I loved it so much I was wearing is all the time although it weight a tonne.

Well not really a tonne lah, but it was heavier than other earrings I own.

And I lost it at Heng's university. Why lah why did I have to bring it with me to the States? Why! Of all the pairs to lose, I lose my favorite pair. Ugh.

Reason for missing the sudden loss? A spread on how to rock the nautical style which showcases all the things I wish I owned in my closest.


I can't decide if I miss my earrings more or if I want those items on the site more.

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