Thursday, September 23

Tuesday, September 21

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Today was just all sorts of odd, but possibly odd for the better.  To give an example, I wanted to wear berms to work, but ended up going out in jeans. Turned out to be a good decision after all because I was so cold in the office.

I also wanted to use the leftover bread to make myself a lunch sandwich, only to realise this morning that my bread had gone moldy - a day before it's meant to expire, mind you. 

Anyhow, mostly it felt like a really long day.

Then I realised, it actually feels like it's been a really long month too.

Wednesday, December 16

Grateful Diary 3.0

Super distracted today, but got what I needed to get done sorted, so all good.

Now just need to rid fold that pile of laundry on my bed. Someone promised to fold all the laundry in the future. Looking forward to that. 

Grateful for the buggy ride to the gate in the rain today. 

Tuesday, December 15

Grateful Diary 2.0

Felt incompetent during the online course today because I couldn't grasp all the tech stuff as quickly as the rest. And made a lame attempt to get everyone to start working together as a group.

Nonetheless, grateful for the boyfriend who puts up with my bad behaviour and tantrums. 

Monday, December 14

Grateful Diary 1.0

Dog days. Can't quite tell why though.

Nevertheless, today I am grateful for plasters and spare pair of slippers in the office.