Tuesday, May 5

Now You See Me, Now You Don't

Hello there!

I am very much alive. Just tired. Not too sure why either. Can't be the lack of sleep - I've been sleeping tonnes. Can't be stress either - I'm certainly not. Can't be that I've over-exerted myself working out - I've definitely not. That leaves me with one possibility, which coincidentally would also explain the very bad case of acne, and oily scalp. It's hormonal.

And that said, it's just going to be something I'm gonna have to learn to outgrow, or worse yet, live with. No! No! No!


I was starving after Bible Study and was thinking of what I was going to eat when I got home. And tadah, God answers prayers. There was a piece of KFC sitting in the kitchen totally waiting for me when I got home. Which is definitely better than the peanut butter cream cheese sandwich I was thinking of making myself. And this is a bad example of God answering prayers, but I'll be thankful that I got to eat nonetheless.

P/s: KFC. Definitely comfort food.

On hindsight, maybe neither were great options. But I guess that makes up for my broccoli filled lunch and tea. I did forget about the venti iced green tea latte from Starbucks I had post lunch.

Right. I forgot. The hunger pangs too. Omnomnomivore.

In any case, I'm off to complete my diving license this weekend! Joy joy.. 

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