Tuesday, October 23

I Run..

.. when one of the following is true:

1) I feel the dire need to lose weight;
2) I have an upcoming event in which I require to have a decent amount of endurance;
3) I have thoughts that my mind can't seem to manage or decipher;
4) I am extremely stressed.

Or all four actually. Today, I ran for a bit (safe to say, not longer than 5 mins). Haha! And it was for reasons 1 and 3. Did it help? Not really, now I am just additionally tired and sweaty.

Wes said to me, "I swear you will need a freaking guy who likes you like maddddddd. And commit to like the max max". And when I asked him to help promote me a little, he said, "No -.-, I'm not going to advertise my sister." The things little brothers will do and say.

The Wise Ones.

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