Sunday, May 9

The Type of Person I am

  • I went to trim my bangs yesterday and I wonder why is it that it always waits till I get home to realize that the line isn't straight. T_T

    So I attempted to trim it on my own earlier and I messed up. Now the line is not any better of than before. Crap!

    "It'll grow back." That's what I tell myself.

  • Often times when I hear music playing, I imagine ballet steps in my mind and then if no one is looking, I launch into my own fantasy of a grand scale ballet performance (only applicable when I am at home).

    Don't judge!

  • When I watch dramas and when the storyline resolves around "Forgiving the cheating ex", "This guy is the right one for you", "This jackass is clearly playing you, please wake up!!" plots, it is really easy to identify 'the right thing to do' and rationalize on behalf of the characters.

    But in reality when dealing with our own stories, are we as clear headed?

  • I am leaving on Thursday night. The idea of celebrating my 22nd in a foreign place has not quite sank in yet. While I won't say I am not anticipating it, I sure am going to miss being "con".

    Also, I have not packed yet.

  • "When life gives u lemon, make lemonade". Right? Probably.

  • I hate decision making. I lagi hate making the wrong decisions. Which is precisely why I tend to over think a lot of things. Then again, my way of life - When you find yourself in deep shit, you'll find a way to survive it.

    Trust me on this one.

  • Counting sheep does not help aid insomnia!


Anonymous said...

i do the number two too! so no judgement. except its not graceful ballet steps but crazy big waves spin hop jump prance fling hands.

so liberating right. :)


Ai said...

hahaha! precisely!