Wednesday, December 9

It is cute, the world I live in!

Aunty's ring tone: Tonight's gonna be a good night..
Uncle's ring tone: I'm a big big girl in a big big world..

*inserts sunflower photo I doodled on my notes*
Because you are bright and special in my eyes!

Human mo mini revision, chapter empat belas..
The Self Concept and Self Esteem, The High Costs of Pursuing Self Esteem

6. Costs to mental health

... "pertaining to narcissism which suggest that self esteem concerns are central to people who are highly narcissistic"..

... "their extremely positive self concept, their extreme fear of being worthless, and their constant need for external validation (Morf & Rhodewalt, 2001)"..

"Narcissists ... are hypersensitive to any challenge to their high opinion of themselves."

- Franken (2007), pg 404

Don't say I kedekut ilmu!

I got cite ah! Just not 100% APA.

Hope I don't get sued.

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