Friday, December 27


I've heard this on the radio numerous times, but was never able to catch the song title, and don't ask me why I never Shazam-ed it because I don't know why either.

I was so glad to have finally stumbled onto it on youtube! =)

心愛的卓文萱 & 黃鴻升

Belly be fatty - my jeans have never been tighter. All the awesome nommies is taking a toll on my waistline and needless to say, my sedentary lifestyle as of the past two months have not been particularly helpful either.

I am seriously considering spending a good 1.3k on Pilates now. I wonder if 10 sessions will whip me into shape. Because that's a lot of money.

Maybe I'll start with a run tomorrow. Followed by shopping for a present. Followed by showing face at the main campus for a bit. Followed by (helping a good friend prepare) cooking a meal for the annual CF party. And that's more food right there.

My room is el-stinko (I mean, smelly), but I can't seem to trace the source of it. I certainly hope it's from outside my room and not that Scottie had made a mess somewhere hidden out of my direct sight. Fun fact: Elstinko is apparently a Korean clothing brand! Hahaha.

All in all, this was a great Friday! /love

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